Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Neither rain,nor sleet, nor snow or dark of night.......

My husband & I felt like the postal service as we drove through the mountains during a winter storm on our way to Laguna Beach, California to house sit for our younger son's girlfriend before Christmas and to drive them up to LAX to catch their flight to Hawaii. No sightings of our president elect for them. We experienced all of the above and celebrated the great traction of the truck's new tires. We were fortunate to arrive as the snowplows pushed away the 12 inches of snow on the mountain passes and we just tagged along. Soon the lights of San Diego were visible in the misty rain. We were taking an extended break which held delights and challenges. Her house is an old California bungalow where she grew up with no central heat or insulation. Needless to say we practiced our layering habits from our Wyoming days. I read, walked endlessly on the beach several times a day, watched the DVD of and Momma Mia-it didn't matter if Pierce Bronson could sing or not, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and sang right along with them. Hooked up with my brother and his family for dinner. We made a trip down to SD to visit our other son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter where we helped trim the tree, viewed holiday lights and enjoyed a day at the San Diego Wild Animal Park up in Escondido. Christmas Eve we attended a Christmas Vigil mass at St. Catherine of Sienna ( beautiful gardens) and after picking up the travelers the next day enjoyed a along scenic walk around Crescent Bay. All in all we created what mattered most to us-connection with family, quiet time, walks on the beach (rain or shine) and a general allowing with what came along. ( Limited internet connection kept us in the present.) We did receive a heads up from my brother-in-law that my mother-in-law was quite sick- more on that later. Here are some photos for you to enjoy.

Many Blessings,


Colleen Crook is a Life & Spiritual Leadership coach and owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection providing coaching/mentoring for spiritually conscious professionals, consciouspreneurs(TM) ,excutives and groups who want to create what matters most with authenticity and integrity through the Consciously Living with Passion Purpose and Prosperity Success Program. Colleen is also known as the Passions to Action Mentor. Sign up for your Fr^ee Create What Matters Most gift bundle at http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com/

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gift Recommendation

One last thing before I shut down my computer for the day. My husband and I are headed out for a nice relaxing near the winter beach in California vacation today.
A great book gift( and I don't receive any commissions from this) is The Last lecture by Randy Pausch. My husband read it and very few books really grab him but this one did. He liked it so much we purchased one for each of our adult children.

Have a happy holiday.

Much Joy,

Brad Yates Interview on EFT

Hi All,
If you didn't get a chance to hear Brad yesterday on handling fear and other lower energy feelings during this time in history with EFT or previously register, here's an opportunity to register for the MP3 until 2:00 pm Eastern time.
Register here and the autoresponder will put you on the list for the audio.


Many Blessings,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Stepping up!

Part of building a business and being a consciouspreneur(TM) is surrounding yourself with people who are there to celebrate your forward movement( celebration team) and create a safe and sacred space when the going gets rough( support team). I'm delighted to be part of such a group with the Tucson Coaches Alliance. The December Program is the annual Holiday luncheon where we socialize, enjoy good food and generally celebrate the achievements of the year, acknowledge the current board members and introduce the new board. Along with this we all bring a toy for Toys for Tots in the spirit of giving back. This year we gathered at the beautiful Hacienda del Sol. See photo.

I've brought the subject of taking a leap up in the previous post and that's what I'm doing this year. I've been elected to the Member-At-Large board position and have accepted this honor.
Now I tend not to be a group joiner but this is one group that I have come to really appreciate and decided that I could allocate time and energy to this position in order to be part of ta leadership team bringing coaching to a greater visibility in the community. I've been in leadership positions in my career but not in a community group.

Where in your life can you be the leader you are looking for?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Taking the Leap!

Choose Trust, Belief and Faith as you take the Leap

There is this paradox of energy that is present globally right now. On one hand, numerous layoffs, plunging bottom lines, bankruptcies, bail outs and restricted credit lines and on the other hand, hope, optimism and collaboration all during this time of light and love. The fear factor is extremely seductive and the amazing opportunity you have in your favor is that you can consciously choose whether to dwell on all the challenges you are facing or step into the light of trust, belief and faith. Trust in yourself and Divine energy that a solution will present itself and you will be supported, Belief in yourself and the support and assistance of your community of kind human beings and Faith in the positive outcome and that miracles do happen. Viktor Frankl, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, describes choice in this way. "We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken away from a man but one thing: the last freedom is to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstance, to choose one's own way."

I leave with this quote from Elizabeth Kubler Ross: "People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a Light from within."

Giving yourself the gift of trust, belief and faith allows you to step into a life that is joyous no matter what and in the darkness your light will shine to guide others. Just like Ella the invitation is to take the leap into trusting, believing and having faith.

Call to Being: What is one small step I can take today that will move me into a trust, belief and faith mindset?

Much Joy,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Register for the EFT interview with Brad Yates

Are you ready to tap?

If you know or if you don't know about EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique, please join me as Brad Yates returns to share his mastery of this wondrously simple liberating technique. Brad will help us navigate the holidays and tap away or at least manage some of the swirling fear about our economy with grace and ease as he takes us through a tapping program. Visit Brad's website www.bradyates.net to find out more about this gentle yet profound technique.

Make a difference in your life and register for this emotionally healing interview so you too can stay in a place of mental well being, possibility and hope.

When: Dec. 16 over a secure bridgeline
Time: 1pmPT/2AZ & MT/3CT/4ET your world clock for other time zones
Duration: 60 minutes
Facilitator/Host: Colleen M. Crook, M.A., CLC

To register to receive the call in information and access code and for more info on Brad, Click here. http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com/bybonus.htm

Not able to make the live call? No worries. The call will be recorded and all you need to do is register to receive the MP3.

Many Blessings,

Happy For No Reason

I had the great pleasure of interviewing Marci Schimoff last Tuesday on Self-Acceptance and Self-Love. I hope you registered for the call to receive the audio. It was a fantastic interview. I'll give a quick re-cap of some of the insights shared.
  • Our thoughts cause us suffering: how we perceive situations and how we react or respond to them. We have 60,000 thoughts a day and most tend to be re-runs.
  • 2/3 of Americans suffer from low self-esteem- that's epidemic in one of the richest countries in the world.
  • When children are around 5 years of age, their self esteem tends to be around the 80%; when they graduate from high school it averages around 5%.
  • Our heart is actually the master or mistress: there are more communication pathways from the heart to the brain than vice versa. Listening to what your heart is guiding you to do will keep you in alignment with well being and life satisfaction.
  • A great resource to stay tuned into you Heart Rhythm Coherence is heartmath.com
  • Lead with the heart with gratitude,forgiveness and spreading loving kindness.
  • Unconditionally Happy people navigate through life with a inner backdrop of peace and well being that has nothing to do with their circumstances. They handle them differently.
  • Your happiness set point is comprised of 50% genetics,10% circumstance and 40% habits, thoughts and behavior. You can raise your happiness set point by changing your thoughts, habits and behaviors.

As you give yourself permission to accept yourself for your gifts and talents and start to love yourself, you are a living and loving example for others to do so. Get a happiness buddy to keep you in that wonderful space of positive thinking and managing situations with more grace and ease.

Check out Marci's book Happy For No Reason at http://www.happyfornoreason.com/

One of the tools Marci recommended to "try out" is EFT. So happens that will be the topic of the Dec. 16 bonus interview with Brad Yates, EFT guru.

Until the next post,


Colleen Crook is a Life & Leadership coach and owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection providing coaching/mentoring for forward thinking individuals and groups who want to create what matters most by connecting them with their passion and inherent creativity through the Consciously Living with Passion Purpose and Prosperity Success Program. Colleen is also known as the Passions to Action Mentor. www.consciouslivingconnection.com Sign up for your Fr^ee Create What Matters Most gift bundle

Sunday, November 30, 2008

And a good time was had by All!

This was sign-off slogan used by Echo Taylor in her weekly column in Jackson Wy. keeping everyone up to date on who was celebrating what and who was visiting whom. My family and I made the column on a number of occasions. I also use it from time to time as it describes the happy outcome of visits, special occasions or whenever people gather together to share, laugh and have a generally good time. And a good time was had by all this past week as I was privileged to celebrate Thanks & Giving Day twice.

My granddaughter,Ella, son Sean and daughter-in-law Anmarie made the trip from San Diego the weekend before Thankful Thursday to share turkey and good times with each other. We enjoyed watching some of the Disney videos I had kept especially for times like these and a beautiful walk in the desert. Of course watching Ella investigated every nook and cranny kept us all hopping. As my friend Louise would say "Evidence of grandchildren!" as we successfully cleaned off the black sharpie marked on my desk.

On T-Day we travelled down to Sierra Vista to eat, drink and be merry with my sister Kate, hubby Dennis and son Zach. It was a laid back and tranquil visit. Those of you who are interested in paintball, my nephew Zach is pictured in the paintball magazine in full regalia as well as his team. Pretty cool!

Ella reminded me of two creative business habits that at times I'm challenged to keep in mind and
now I have a visual that deepens my awareness of them.

Joyful abandon Intense focus

What creative habits do you want to put into practice so you create what matters most to you?

Much Joy,

Colleen Crook is a Life & Leadership coach and owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection providing coaching/mentoring for forward thinking individuals and groups who want to create what matters most by connecting them with their passion and inherent creativity through the Consciously Living with Passion Purpose and Prosperity Success Program. Colleen is also known as the Passions to Action Mentor. www.consciouslivingconnection.com Sign up for your Fr^ee Create What Matters Most gift bundle

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Highlights from Mo**ney Interview


Marianna Olszewski of Madison Financial Management and http://www.richhappyandfabulous.com/ gave a great interview on The Spirit of Mo**ney/What’s Your Mo***ney Story? on Nov.18. Here are some of the highlights to start your personal money plan:

*Make a chart with what do I own on one side and what do I owe on the other side. Tally it up and see what’s remaining.
*Start a money diary of your daily spending. This will give you a clear picture of where your money is going. It turns vagueness into clarity. And we all like clarity. This can relieve anxiety around money.
*Now you can ask yourself “What am I spending?’
*And from there you can ask “Where can I tweak things?”

Mindset Strategies: Avoid listening and spending time with gloom and doom.
Take care of yourself- surround yourself with positive people- focus on what you can change.

Join me for the next interview with Marci Schimoff on Tuesday Dec. 2 on Self-Love/Self-Acceptance. Register here:

Joy to All,


Monday, November 24, 2008

3 Ah-Ah's from L.A.

As I've mentioned previously I attended the last Ali Brown Online Success Blueprint Workshop in L.A. I've never attended a workshop quite like this one. It was orchestrated on a whole new level with songs, dancing, fun and diversity of guest speakers and many many Ah- Ah moments- in addition to being in the company of multi-millionaires and a billionaire. The energy and mindset of these female entrepreneurs was refreshing to see. These are strong, powerful yet feminine and heart centered business women who shared their expertise and gifts selflessly and with style.
One thing that I was really excited about was that the majority of my mentors attended also and I was able to meet up with them throughout the workshop days.

Here's photo of me with my coach Heather Dominick . We eventually located each other on the last day. The other photo is of my friend and colleague, Louise Abbot, a successful coach in her own right. We by chance ended up as travelling companions and were very happy about that.
Back to the Ah-Ah's:
1." I don't compare, I don't compete, I just am."
One of the first things that Ali said truly resonated with me and became my mental mantra during the workshop. What really stops us from playing big and stepping into our YES is the constant self sabotage that we do by comparing what we do with others or in some cases focusing on trying to do better than someone else. With this statement, you stay in the present and focus on being your best self and always being with your Inner Wisdom. There is such self-acceptance when you say "I just am". ( Register for the upcoming interview with Marci Schimoff on Self-Love/Self-Acceptance
2. "I am my best asset."
In my first career as an Occupational Therapist, we were taught that the most valuable tool we had to be a bridge to independent living was the therapeutic use of self. The same applies to any career choice or business. You are your best asset and as you develop and expand your skills and beingness your core energy attracts what you want to create. Take care and honor your best
asset - You.
3. Holding back and playing small denies the God (or whatever name resonates with you)
that created you.
These are 3 of the Ah-Ah's that I had during this 3 incredible day event.
I'll check in with you later.
Much Joy,

Monday, November 17, 2008

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

That's a beautiful song and I don't think the songwriter was thinking of smoke from wildfires. I was in L.A. this past weekend attending Alexandria Brown's last ever Online Success Blueprint Workshop. It was a hoot with designer port 'o potties included and sessions lasted into the night so venturing outside after 6-6:30 pm in unknown territory was not advised. When I turned on the T.V. the local coverage was soley on the wildfires. With our incredible technology, they were up close and personal with satellite views of the dense clouds of smoke. By Friday, the smell of smoke was in the hotel hallways and by Saturday night it made it's way into the room. Looking outside it looked like a scene out of mystery thriller on a dense fog shrouded London day. The devastation was massive and the good in people outshined the few scavengers that were caught. I'll write more later in the week.

I also wanted to remind you of the special complimentary interview I'm facilitating tomorrow on The Spirit of Mo**ney/What's Your Mo**ney Story? with Marianna Olszweski of Madison Financial Management. Here is the registration link again:

Love to hear your voice on the call. If you can't make it -no worries- the call will be recorded. Just register to receive the MP3.

Much Joy,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

FR^EE The Spirit of Money/What's Your Money StoryTeleseminar/Interview

Mark your calendars!

November 18 Tuesday: 5pmET/4CT/3MT & AZ/2PT

The Spirit of Money/ What’s Your Money Story?

This is the 2nd interview in the 2008 Fall Consciously Living Green Interview Series.
Join me as I interview Marianna Olszewski of Madison Financial Management, LLC
  • on planning your financial security for now and the future,
  • what’s the very first step you need to take to begin your fiscally responsible journey,
  • women and money,
  • what are some of the limiting beliefs we have around money and a whole lot more?

Marianna was the morning keynote speaker at the Arizona Women’s Conference in September and she presented later in the day also. This interview will take place over a secure bridgeline. This call will be recorded so if you aren’t able to attend live-no worries. You do need to register for the call to receive the recording.

And here is the link to do just that and with more info on Marianna.

I hope to hear you on the call.

Much Joy,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

From There and Back Again

I've returned from the North country of Southern Wisconsin. I flew into Milwaukee on a wind that turned the trees into the Womping Willow from the Harry Potter series. Smooth flights both ways. I was fortunate that my sister Patsy was just returning from a trip in New England and was able to coordinate picking me up with her arrival back to the Badger State. It's always wonderful to visit family and my intention was to visit and see all my siblings(6) who lived in Wisconsin. I'm happy to report that I fulfilled my intention plus. My sister who lives in Az. popped in toward the end of my visit. It was pure pleasure hearing the geese on the Rock River and to watch them fly across the sky in their V formation against the early morning rosy hues and the late afternoon coral brilliance. I love fall and late fall. Unexpected sightings of 27 wild turkeys on a back country road was total delight( didn't have my camera.) My parents happened to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary the week I was able to visit. They wanted no fanfare but we managed to have some very simple get-togethers with traditional and a non-traditional gift of family hand prints. That led to some discussion and interest in the Conscious Living Connection Life Purpose Hand Analysis. Being able to plan my time off when I want to is one of the benefits that I enjoy as a business owner and one I truly cherish. Below are some photos from not quite the frozen tundra although it was cold to my Az. blood.

Photos: Passing out Halloween treats, Lunch with Mom
Photos: VIP Day with niece Kate ,60 year Passion, Anniversary Mass

Stay tuned for the announcements of the upcoming Consciously Living Green interviews in Nov. & Dec.

Here's to creating what matters most to you with integrity and authenticity.

Joy, Passion & Simplicity,

Stuck? Overwhelmed? don't know where to start? Bring your biggest "I want to ___." challenge to a complimentary Get Acquainted Activation conversation to see what we can co-create what matters most to you.Schedule by e-mailing colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com

Colleen Crook is a Life & Leadership coach and owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection providing coaching/mentoring for forward thinking individuals and groups who want to create what matters most by connecting them with their passion and inherent creativity through the Consciously Living with Passion Purpose and Prosperity Success Program. Colleen is also known as the Passions to Action Mentor.
www.consciouslivingconnection.com Sign up for your Fr^ee Create What Matters Most gift bundle.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Good time Was had By All!!

That's me at my live Discover & Connect with Your Passions-the Effortless Path to Living Your Life Purpose Seminar held this past Saturday. We all had a great and challenging time uncovering what we were most passionate about. During the 3 hour seminar, the participants unlocked their top 5 passions and crafted markers to align themselves along the way.
As one participant said,"This is challenging". There were some AhAh moments. The results were clarity on what to focus our time,
energy and resources.

Yesterday marked the first interview in the 2008 Fall Consciously Living Green Teleseminar and Interview Series with Lindianne Sarno of the Sonoran Kitchen Gardens speaking on The Best in Things in Life Are Green. Below are some resources Lindianne shared along with her Starter Kit of Ideas to begin living more consciously green. Were you on the call or did you register to receive the audio? It was awesome. I took 4 pages of notes.

The Humanure Handbook, by Joseph Jenkins ( yes , you read this correctly)
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands, by Brad Lancaster’s
Read Little House on a Small Planet, by Shay Solomon
Permaculture, by Bill Mollison
Gaia’s Garden
A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, by Toby Hemenway

You'll want to register for the next upcoming interview with Marianna Olszewski of Madison Financial Management,LLc on financial planning for now and the future. If you can't be there in person, that's okay. You do need to register to receive the audio of the interview. What's your money story? Watch for the announcements!

Time to get up and stretch.

Joyful blessings,


Stuck? Overwhelmed? don't know where to start? Bring your biggest "I want to ___." challenge to a complimentary Get Acquainted Activation conversation to see what we can co-create what matters most to you.Schedule by e-mailing colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com

Colleen Crook is a Life & Leadership coach and owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection providing coaching/mentoring for forward thinking individuals and groups who want to create what matters most by connecting them with their passion and inherent creativity through the Consciously Living with Passion Purpose and Prosperity Success Program. Colleen is also known as the Passions to Action Mentor. www.consciouslivingconnection.com Sign up for your Fr^ee Create What Matters Most gift bundle.

Small Town Festivals


Two weekends ago my husband & I traveled down to Patagonia, a small, diverse and vibrant community south of Tucson for their Fall Festival. I love small towns having grown up in one and attending grade school in small town. Our intention was to have a nice easy day and enjoy the scenery and thunderclouds that were scaling up past the southern mountain ranges. As my husband & I walked among the displays and art booths, we were hoping the skies wouldn't open up with the impending rain until we had listened to some music and had a bite to eat. The Patagonia festival highlights local and regional music talent and it's some of the best around. One group I fell in love with is the Way Out West trio. Lots of fun and beautiful music. You can check them out at this link then click on artists.

After some fry bread(for me) and a gyros for hubby, we headed over to the Gathering Grounds coffee shop for some dessert. Nice cozy place to settle and watch the rain that eventually came.
Before we left, I peaked in the bookstore and lo and behold the author of the book I was going to buy for my dad was there signing books. So I was able to get the book I wanted and get a signed copy to boot.

Patagonia is able to create a beautiful community event with an eclectic mix of generations, cultures and lifestyles from new age to ranchers, from artists to cowboys and everything in between. That's what matters most to them.

Here's to you creating what matters most to you. No pics-left my camera in the truck.

Much Joy,

Monday, October 13, 2008

FR^EE The Best Things in Life Are Green Teleseminar

The Best Things in Life Are Green Teleclass & Interview with Lindianne Sarno, AB
Monday, October 20 from 1-2 PST
Tuition: no charge.
Led by: Colleen M. Crook, M.A., Certified Life Coach www.consciouslivingconnection.com

Join me and Lindianne Sarno, Co-Executive Director of Sonoran Kitchen Gardens on The Best Things in Life Are Green in this interview of the 2008 Fall Consciously Living Green Teleseminar Interview Series. She'll be talking abut food security, urban gardening, food storage, and more. This is so NOW! After Lindianne said “yes” to this interview, I read an article in Body & Soul on this exact topic. Lindianne will share her knowledge and give us a Starter Kit of Ideas so we can become more self-reliant and community connected to increase our own self-reliance and empower us in connecting more deeply with the Spirit of our Natural World. Actually, Lindianne will re-introduce us to habits and practices that our grandparents and even parents are probably very familiar with.

For more information and to register click here http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com/greenliving1.htm

If you can’t attend the Teleseminar live- no worries. The call will be recorded. Registration is required to receive the audio recording.

Much Joy,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Upcoming Live Seminar: Are you ready to live life fully? Last day for early bird discount tomorrow.

October is Passion Awareness Month

Dear Friends,

80% of the population is living disconnected from their passions, from what they love and care about.

The Passion Test is a tour de force--a fast track path to turn on and up the passion, the excitement, the success in your life--for you, your loved ones, your friends and your associates.

On October 18 you have an opportunity to reflect on how much richer and happier your life will be when you becomemore passionate, more stimulated, more turned on about your life, your relationships,your work, your possibilities.

If you have the feeling that something is missing from your life
If you find it difficult to make decisions about where to put your focus
If you really have no idea about what you are even passionate about, then join me at the

Discover & Connect with Your Passions- the Effortless Path to Living Your Life Purpose Seminar here in beautiful Tucson, Arizona.

When: October 18 from 9am-12
Where: Freedom In, Ventana Canyon , 5660 North Kolb Road, Tucson, Az. 85748
Tuition: $65
$55 if you register by October 13
(the paperback The Passion Test is included in the tuition)
Maximum of 10 participants

To register: e-mail
Facilitator: Colleen M. Crook, M.A.,Certified Life Coach, Certified Passion Test (TM) Facilitator

If you are an individual whose life is changing, this seminar will rock you to the core. What you will go home with will help you navigate the unknown, calm the fearful and anxious parts of you, and start moving you into bite-sized action.

Along with Jack Canfield, Jay Abraham, John Gray, Marci Shimoff,and Harv Eker, check out who else has benefitted from this process and find out more about me

Much Joy,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 2008. How do you get rid of ANTS?

October 2008 Conscious Cconnections Feature article

While on my sort of daily walks, I’ve noticed that the ant hills are getting quite high. I’m wondering if we’re going to have an interesting winter here in Southern Arizona. Ants are very industrious and if you’ve ever watched them they are very persevering. There’s much to admire in their behavior yet if they get in your house or in your food they are quite annoying and can do considerably damage. There are lots of solutions to manage visible ants. How then do you manage those non-tangible and invisible mental ANTs? Yep those Automatic Negative Thoughts ( or sometimes called Another Negative Thought) that pop up every time we are called to go beyond our comfort zones, entertain a new idea or proposal, look at another’s perspective and when we are poised for the next step or level in our personal development. They stop us at the starting line before we even take that first step. They do considerably more damage that can actually last a lifetime.

These ANTs are also very persevering and come in all sorts of disguises:
“I don’t have enough time.”
“Who ever heard of anybody doing that in our family?”
“What if I fail?”
“What will people think?”
“I’m not good at that.”
“What if they say no?”
“I don’t want to embarrass my self?”
“That costs too much.” and the list goes on into judgement and assumptions of other people’s motives, actions, perceptions and behaviors.

These ANTs work on your fears of the unknown. They try to keep you safe in the routine and habits that are familiar to you. They are hardwired into your DNA so will always come up. So the best solution is to come up with an ANT management system that will keep you in a state of expansion rather one of contraction. When you‘re in a state of expansion you are open to the possibilities and can assess the situation from all perspectives and then make a heart felt decision versus one that leaves you feeling guilty or lacking.

There are a plethora (a favorite word) of ways to handle mental ANTs. One mentioned in the video on Change Your Brain, Change Your Life highlights thinking of the negative scenario in all its glory as if you re writing it down on paper then taking it to your virtual shredder and shredding it. This tactic worked for my husband the other night as he was ruminating on a situation when he was trying to go to sleep. He finally decided to try this method and it worked - resulting in a good night’s sleep.

One of the many methods that I’ve used is Byron Katie’s 4 questions. You take your ANT through these 4 questions:
1. Is it true?
2. Can I know (in my infinite knowledge of course) that it is absolutely true?
3. How do I react believing that thought? Where do I feel it?
4. Who would I be without that thought?
Then turn the thought around.

When you find your ANTs driving you crazy and you feel contracted that’s usually a sign to take a break and come back to the situation with more perspective and openness.

Your Homeplay if you should choose to accept it is: The next time you recognize an ANT try out the 4 question method or use your virtual shredder.
Please let me what your experience was like managing your ANTS?

Passion, Simplicity & Joy,

Colleen Crook, a Life and Leadership coach and certified facilitator of the Passion Test™, is the founder and owner of Conscious Living Connection and the creator of the 9 step Living Consciously Program with passion and joy.She partners with forward thinking individuals to create what matters authentically and with integrity. Sign up for your fr^^ee mini-e-course on the 5 keys to Conscious Communication at www.consciouslivingconnection.com

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Food, Good Friends

Hello All,
Here's a photo of my good friend J.J & I after enjoying breakfast
at the Club Cafe at the Hotel Congress here in Tucson. We get together once every 4-6 weeks to support each other and exchange uplifting experiences and books that we've read.
We discovered we are partners in curiosity as we explored the in and outs of this historic hotel. If you want to experience the 1920's and 30's this is the place for you. The intention for our get- togethers was to stay in a positive energy and avoid falling into the "complaint mode". I'm so very fortunate to have someone in my life that desires to strengthen and create inner wealth because I learn so much from her wisdom. Part of your personal environment consists of the people you surround yourself with. It's critical in creating your happiness, joy, abundance and emotional health to have people near you who are interested in your well being as well as in strengthening their spiritual connection. Our discussion prompted the topic for the feature article in the upcoming Conscious Connections. You can read it in the next blog post.
Much Joy to You,

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What's on your count down list?

Joyful Greetings!

As I post this blog, we just went through some high 90 degree days and then a wonderful monsoonal rain.
Get ready for the New Year with your countdown markers.

September 22 marks not only the autumnal equinox but also earmarks 100 days remaining in 2008.

Below are some questions to consider as 2008 counts down. I know that I’ll be reflecting on these also.
1. Is there any unfinished business that needs to be tended to in your life?
2. If you could begin living just one thing that you are most passionate about before 2009 what would it be?
3. What is one thing that you can let go of before 2009?
4. What is one quality that you would like to embrace by December 31, 2008?
5. What is stopping you from living your best life?
6. What are 3 things that you are most grateful for?

Check out the World Gratitude website at http://www.worldgratitude.com/ for a 42 days focus on abundance, gratitude and much more to send the best type of energy around the World during this time of upheaval.

That's all for now. I've been at the computer way too long for me today. I might morph into a cursor.

Much Joy,


Sunday, September 14, 2008

She has what it takes!!

I was having back from vacation sluggishness this past week yet managed to accomplish and address what needed to be completed or started. My husband & I cleaned out the garage last weekend and put in systems for hanging tools and other paraphernalia. It made such a difference to go through things to keep, donate or just trash. It changed the energy in our house and seemed to energize us as well. Systems are great and even essential in living life with more serenity and joy.
Friday, I received a huge energy boost in addition to being inspired to play BIG. I had set aside Friday to attend the 2008 Arizona Women's conference at Tucson's JW Marriot Star Pass Resort. Along with about 900 other women, I was wowed by keynote speaker Erin Brockovitch Ellis. Yes, the Erin Brockovitch, who is very real and who was played by Julia Roberts in the movie with the same title. Aside from being a dynamic and inspiring speaker, she continues her advocacy in saving people's lives who are threatened by environmental deceit and disregard. If you have a passion, you do what it takes to make it happen but not at the expense of your loved ones. She emphasized that being and having someone who cares in the bottom line. Synchronicity was in play as Erin Brockovitch, the movie was on T.V. this weekend. She said that Hollywood took very few creative liberties with her story except to lengthen her skirts and clean up her language. She has what it takes with her stick- to- it-ness. What can you have stick-to-it-ness with in your life?

Much Joy,

P.S. I wasn't able to get a photo with Erin because of the numbers of people plus there was security.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saying Yes

My husband and I returned from our trip to Wyoming. We needed to take care of some business and bring some personal items back to our house in Tucson as well as take out some time for R&R. Because the items we needed to bring back were more than my husband's truck could accommodate, we drove two cars. Those of you who know me are aware that driving is not on my list of fun things to do especially in large cities and triple+lane interstates. It actually was my suggestion to take both cars. I declared a deliberate yes to driving and activated my "this is easy and fun" mindset. So after attending a very exciting and informative workshop on Purpose coaching, we headed up to the Northern latitude. All through Phoenix I called on all my reserves and angels to calm the almost continuous panic attacks that I was having. It was exhausting but I made it through and my husband said it looked like I was in total control of the situation from his lead position. After that it was a piece of cake. Two more "just say yes to what 's important" situations presented themselves to me.
Here's one of them:
We took a day to visit Yellowstone since our lodging was close to the entrance.
foregoing some of our favorites stops-Lewis Falls, the Lake Hotel area and Hayden Valley, we decided to pick out something that we hadn't done before.
My husband had read about the Grand Geyser located in the Lower Geyser Basin near Old Faithful. This geyser is the tallest most predictable geyser in the world reaching upwards to 180 feet in the air while two smaller geysers accompany and herald its eruption. Other tall geysers erupt maybe once a year on a who- actually- knows- when- they're- going- to- erupt basis. We walked to the viewing seats(while also keeping an eye out for Old Faithful) and noted that the geyser could erupt 2 hours on either side of 3pm. It was 12:30 so we decided to wait. We were the only two on the viewing for awhile and then a whole family clan joined us. This family has a tradition of coming together yearly to watch the Grand Geyser erupt. It was great being with them as they gave us tidbits of what to watch for to know when the Grand would make its appearance. Oh I forgot, it was threatening rain and mostly cloudy and very windy. Turbin geyser heralds the eruption of the Grand and goes off every 20 minutes or so. So we patiently waited and waited. We were thinking that sitting and waiting for this geyser to go off was not in our best interests. By 2:30, we were ready to discontinue our zen geyser watch and go back to our room. Our new found friends of the Hyatt family encouraged us to stay. So we said YES and at 3:15 we were treated to the majesty of the Grand Geyser with Turbin geyser starting it off and a smaller geyser vent blowing as well. (See video below.) We were also witness to the marriage proposal of one of the members of the family as the geyser went off. Surrendering to the situation resulted in a lively encounter with new acquaintances and a deep spiritual experience of the Divine. Afterward the geyser pool was empty with the Grand Geyser taking a much needed self- care rest break. After all, when you play BIG, self-care is critical.

Everyday there are opportunities to say yes and play in a big way in creating what matters most and we were very glad we did.

Granite resting spot

Grand Geyser, YNP

Much Joy,

Colleen Crook is a certified life coach and leadership consultant. She is also a writer, trainer and public speaker. She is the owner and founder of http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com which provides individual and group coaching programs and workshops to facilitate creative and passionate self expression for forward thinkers who want to create what matters most while living life full out with spiritual integrity. She has over 30 years experience in facilitating and teaching people how to live a quality life of passion, purpose, fun and abundance while doing their great work. She is a certified facilitator of The Passion Test™.
You can contact her at colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hello from Wyoming

Just a quick Howdy from beautiful Jackson, Wy. It's a might cool at 6500 feet in the morning's here. Nice daytime temps today in the 70's. The next few days will have a high in the 50's. I have my cold weather jackets. My body was achy and sore from driving 500+ miles for 2 days so I made an appointment for a massage at a place my sister Mary and I visited last year. if you're in Jackson Wy. I highly recommend Bear and Doe massage http://www.bearanddoemassage.com/ What makes them unique is that you receive a paraffin treatment on your hands or feet( your choice) prior to your massage and afterward you can partake of the sweat lodge and cold water plunge. It's a small business located in an old house so it feels very cozy.

What is unique about how you provide service in your Life, profession or business?

Much Joy,


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just a quick note

Hello to all of you in the Conscious Living Connection Community who are ready to connect with what's important to you to create what matters most.

My husband & I will heading up to Wyoming for a about a week and a half to take care of some business and for a little R&R in the higher elevations before he starts a new employment adventure. I'll post when I can with accompanying photos of the grandeur and beauty of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

Are you happy? Personal happiness is just that-personal. Cultivating happiness habits helps us navigate through the rough patches of life. Being aware of the happiness robbers can give us an edge in nurturing happiness habits. These happiness robbers could be called the 3 Misamigos. These robber barons come in the guise of:
1. Complaining
2. Blaming
3. Feeling shame.

Focusing on the solution, Looking for the gift or lesson and making peace with yourself are empowerment habits that can nip these happiness robbers in the bud. Creating other supportive habits also helps like this fellow in the video.

I received this from several friends-thank you Renee, Rhonda & Bob over the summer and felt that this would be a great time to share it. I hope you Dance!!!
Wishing you happiness,

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ageless Passion

Last weekend my husband & I travelled to San Diego to visit our granddaughter and also to support our daughter-in-law during her half marathon and our son during his "Oh yeah, I forgot I was going to run" 5K. We were able to spend some time at Torrey Pines State Park Beach-one of my personal favorites on Friday afternoon with Sean(our son) and Ella(our granddaughter who's 17 months).

Ella is a master at the concept of fearless playing. As soon as she had her suit on she headed for the water with glee with me running to catch up with her! No matter that the waves broke at her chest high, her joy radiated out in smiles and exhilaration when the water splashed in her face. Her exuberance delighted those in the near vicinity and actually gave them courage to venture in the water with less trepidation. They were responding to her core energy and essence.
That excitement and energy of stretching oneself and playing considerably bigger was also felt during the 5K and half marathon. The crowd cheered all the runners and walkers. One especially incredibly moment was when the 86 year woman crossed the finish line of the half marathon. Whew! what an inspiration to ageless passion. We actually saw her later still upright and walking back to her car accompanied by a relative.
What is the energy that you radiate as you go about your daily routine and tasks? What are you passionate about that defies the fabricated barrier of age?
To your passion,

P.S. Sean ran his personal best running the 5K under 30 minutes and Anmarie had her personal best in the half marathon of 2 hours and 16 minutes.

P.S.S. Oh yes, Grandma & Grandpa ran their own 5K running around with Ella.

P.S.S. If you are ready to play big and connect with your passions to create what matters most to you, please e-mail me at colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com to set up your Get To Know You Activation call.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Popeye had it right!

Did you watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics with eyes wide open? There was so much visual candy that it was challenging to take it all in. I watched in amazement at the athletes who trained so hard for so long with varying degrees of results. I began to wonder what their training regime consisted of and what type of food plan they were required to follow to keep up their energy and build healthly cells. The most amazing thing to watch was the intense focus that it takes to stay on track and be totally present during thier meets, routines, sequences. They had to be in their best mindset and mental condition. That brings me to Popeye. My husband recently received a video on maintaining a healthly brain. The information was prolific and I'll be sharing a small portion of what was presented. To keep our brains healthly there is a list of "brain food" not including of course fish and other nutrients. Here is a list of 12 Foods Good for the Brain. Enjoy!
  1. Blueberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Broccoli

  4. Salmon

  5. Tuna

  6. Oatmeal

  7. Red Bell Peppers

  8. Walnuts

  9. Avocados

  10. Turkey

  11. Oranges

  12. Green Tea

Bon Appetite!


P.S. For those of you who didn't grow up with Popeye, the Sailorman, he ate spinach to keep up his strength.

Colleen Crook is a certified life coach and leadership consultant. She is also a writer, trainer and public speaker. She is the owner and founder of www.consciouslivingconnection.com which provides individual and group coaching programs and workshops to facilitate creative and passionate self expression in forward thinkers who want to create what matters most while living life full out with spiritual integrity. She has over 30 years experience in facilitating and teaching people how to live a quality life of passion, purpose, fun and abundance while doing their great work. She is a certified facilitator of The Passion Test™.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Natural Pyrotechnics

Thought I'd post a video my in-house tech man shot the other day during a monsoon.The lightning was spectacular against the Santa Catalina range. We have such incredible lightning storms here and we also need to take extra care to avoid being too close. This was shot through our dining room window. You'll hear chatter about my ability to predict where the lightning will appear and see a wandering fly who wants to be a star. The actual lightning bolt can be seen 2:16 minutes into the video.

These storms always seem to connect me with the divine as I'm totally in awe of the power and beauty of nature.

Much Joy,

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer Festival Specials

Hello Everyone,
Last night my husband & I went out to watch the bats under a bridge near us fly out at sunset. We patiently set up the tripod and camera and waited and waited and waited. We saw about 10 bats but the 20,000 we had hoped to see decided to just hang in there. I was hoping to have a video of the nightly flight. Oh well. Tucson is becoming slightly famous for the summer bat population. There are a number of bridges over large washes and riverbeds that house thousands of bats. Bats here are an important part of the saguaro flowering cycle as they contribute to the pollination of the plant. We'll try again another night.

Part of summer for me along with viewing unusual wildlife habits is offering summer program specials. With the changes coming to CLC in the Fall, I have created a summer festival special of programs that will be retired or folded into another program. You're invited to check them out here http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com/summerfestspec.htm

Until next time, I'll leave you with this quote "Movement and exercise stimulate Creativity, recharging you when you feel stifled or blocked"

Much Joy,

Colleen Crook, owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection is a Life & Leadership Coach who partners and supports forward thinking spiritually minded individuals in creating a life that is joyful and passion-filled both personally and professionally. She is a certified Facilitator of The Passion Test ™. Send her an e-mail describing your biggest challenge to see how she can help you create what matters most to you.
E-mail: colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com
Phone: 520-777-4494

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Changes- Being In harmony

"A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing" -Maya Angelou


Conscious Living Connection is undergoing some renovations and forward movements. It's always a bit scary to take that next step. I've had to take some deep breaths and listen to my heart and not my Gremlins(Ego, the committee etc.) who only want to protect me and keep me safe. Entrepreneurial Fear is very real and all entrepreneurs experience this even if they do not not want to acknowledge it. There is this fantasy belief that 'everyone else has their act together'. So what is CLC up to? I've been searching and setting my intention to attract the perfect people for my support team. This will include individuals who are tech savvy, design experts and great in taking over tasks that are a challenge and sort of put up speed bumps along the way for me. In my search I met lovely people who were an energetic match for me but I required some specific expertise that they didn't have . So what did these lovely people do but refer others who ended up being a match for my specific needs as well as being an energetic match. I'll introduce you to them in a future blog post.

To attract this wonderful and gifted team, I completed an Authentic Attraction Plan for my perfect support team and I then put in an order to the Universe. Very fun stuff. It took a bit more inner work also and surrendering control of finding the perfect individuals for me. CLC is consciously creating what matters most to serve you with hugeness in the future. What one small change can you make that will bring you closer to being in harmony with your spirit?

Much Joy,
P.S. If you have a desire to help out people traumatized by natural disasters, this is a fantastic non-profit that works with the local people. 90% of the donation goes to the people in those countries.http://www.kirfaid.org/

Colleen Crook, owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection is a Life & Leadership Coach who partners and supports forward thinking individuals in creating what matters most with joy and passion both personally and professionally. She is a certified Facilitator of The Passion Test™. Send her an e-mail describing your biggest challenge to see how she can help you create what matters most to you.

E-mail: colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com Phone: 520-777-4494

Website: http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com Grab your copy of your 5 part mini e-course on creating dynamic interactions.

Friday, July 11, 2008

California Dreaming

I hope you all had a fantastic 4th. My husband & I travelled to California to visit our children and granddaughter. My intention for the trip was to relax,enjoy and renew myself , walk on the beach as much as possible and create memories with family. After a short stop at Viejas Mall where my husband, DuWayne purchased some much needed shoes and we had a bite to eat with our oldest son Sean(he was off that day) we headed toward Laguna Beach. Our younger son's( Jason) girlfriend hosted us at her house which was 5 minutes from the beach. Thank you Janine. As soon as we stepped in the door, Janine had me out of the house and down to the beach and into the water. It was cold!!!! I only stayed in awhile, long enough for a wave to knock me down. It was very energizing. We had a fresh seafood dinner that night and hung out in her background listening to peaches fall to the ground. What a thrill for us to watch the fireworks from the beach as the colorful display was reflected in the water merging sky and sea until the tide started coming in. Then we retreated to higher ground. We even piloted a new competitive sport called penguin pitch. We left the next day to visit our son,Sean, daughter(in-law),Anmarie and little Ella for an overnight stay before heading back to Tucson. Anmarie loves to cook and she whipped up a beautiful Indian dinner- very yummy and not to hot for me. We so thoroughly enjoyed playing with our granddaughter. You can see the photos below. We both felt like we had been away for about a week. As we surrendered to each moment, everything just flowed and created a renewal time for us. I vowed to create more renewal moments each day to better focus and attend to those things that matter most to me.

Much Joy,


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Random thoughts on Water, Water, Water

Water has been pouring into my thoughts these past few weeks. I have a compelling need to be around water and will honor that desire this upcoming 4th of July weekend with a visit to our children and grandchild along the coast of Southern California. There’s a 5 star request to myself to walk on the beach at least 3 times. The pounding of the surf and the immensity of the ocean always tends to center me and energize me. This is also monsoon time here in AZ and we’ve been gifted with some lovely storms so far. The cacti are looking a bit more energized. After growing up in lake country, there’s a fundamental need for me to be around water or have a water feature in my environment. In the realm of Hand Analysis, my fingerprint patterns suggest a water element.

Along with some financial assistance, I’ve been sending positive white healing energy to the Midwest which has been inundated with more water than ever before and the impact of that will be felt by all of us in the upcoming year. On the other end of the spectrum, the raging fires in Northern California need more water to stop that devastation.

Back to water- the over abundance and the lack of it creates change. Water comprises 70% of our bodies. Living in the southwest this is readily apparent as we are encouraged to hydrate, hydrate during these triple digit temps. Water signifies so much - abundance, growth, life and yes even destruction. Water has a very important message for us. Water is telling us to take a much deeper look at our selves. When we do look at our selves through the mirror of water, the message becomes amazingly, crystal, clear. We know that human life is directly connected to the quality of our water, both within and all around us.

When change occurs especially in the shifting from a limiting belief to one of more self acceptance and positivity the water in our bodies undergoes a change. The voicing of a positive self- affirming affirmation even if not entirely believed creates a state change to one of more well-being. Dr. Masaru Emoto has been researching and photographing frozen water for quite some time. The most amazing revelation that came forth was that how we think, act and speak to ourselves and others can actually affect the quality of water in our bodies. Water in a container labeled "You fool!" had less defined and poorly formed crystals and water in a container labeled "You are loved" showed beautifully formed crystals with many facets. The story that you tell yourself, the constant self-talk that runs in your head, the words you use with others or to describe your actions, the results of your action or non-action effects your physical and emotional well-being at the celluar level.

What is one small word change in your self talk that will bring you one step closer to creating a state of well being for yourself?

Joyful Blessings,


Colleen Crook, owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection is a Life & Leadership Coach who partners and supports forward thinking individuals in creating what matters most with joy and passion both personally and professionally. She is a certified Facilitator of The Passion Test™. Send her an e-mail describing your biggest challenge to see how she can help you create what matters most to you.
E-mail: colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com
Phone: 520-777-4494
http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Little Dude(ette)- Where Are You?

A couple of weeks ago I shared that we had a gambels's quail nest under an old grounded porch swing that had about 8 eggs in it. Last Sunday morning, I noticed some egg shells scattered near the swing. Very carefully, I lifted the swing and saw that 5 of the eggs had hatched and there were 3 unbroken eggs remaining. No quail parents to be seen or little baby quail scurrying around. Just before 9a.m., I saw a tiny tiny gray brown ball of fluff hobbling around the pedestal of our fountain. Sure enough it was a baby quail. I put out some water on an upside down top of a butter container since it was so hot and my husband and I were leaving for the morning. Later that evening. I noticed this little quail running around the bottom of the pedestal. Each day s(he) would run around the pedestal in the morning and then later in the cool of the evening. For the next week our phone conversations contained tidbits on the progress and activities of our little friend and we were entranced in the evening as we watched our little dude(tte) scurry around the yard exploring further and further from the fountain pedestal. Mid week we checked on the other eggs and they were all hatched. We hadn't noticed any more little dudes or dudettes. Friday morning, I found little dude lying very still by the fountain pedestal. My heart paused until I saw his rhythmic breathing. A little later, I noticed that he had moved a bit further from the pedestal and was still sleeping.About an our later, I went to check up on him(her) and s(he) was gone. I anxiously waited for evening to come to see if little dude would venture out from somewhere. No little dude. It's Saturday and still no little dude. My husband and I are having somewhat of an empty nest experience. Little dude(tte)- I hope that you are okay and hooked up with some other quails. We miss you!

Love & Joy.

Colleen Crook is a Life & Leaderhip Coach who partners with forward thinking individuals who are creative and spirit-minded and want to make a difference. Grab your copy of the complimentary 5 day e-course on consciously creating dynamite interactions at www.consciouslivingconnection.com

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Riding the Wind!

The wind whispers across my face as the pavement crackles with the passing of the tires. I'm on a downhill slope, riding my new bike. As a child I loved to ride my bike up and down the country roads. Later in adulthood, I rode the Grand Teton Park road in the early spring before the road was opened to visitor traffic and participated in the 26 mile Miles for Money fundraiser for The Learning Center Preschool in Jackson, Wyoming while pulling a carrier with my youngest son, Jason safely ensconced in the seat. Now I live at the eastern edge of a large city. Even though signs advertise that this is a bike friendly city, I avoid the busy streets as I begin to condition myself again with an activity I always loved but haven't participated in- in a number of years. Previous injuries kept this fun way to tone my muscles at bay for a long time. Like a long lost friend I was ecstatic to renew our relationship and I actually heard my soul sing out in welcome.

Saguaro Park East here I come!

What physical activity would nurture your soul and connect you with your true essence?

Until next time- much Joy,


Colleen Crook is a Life & Leadership coach who partners with forward thinking ,spirit-minded women who want to make a difference and create a joyful and passionate life -both personally and professionally. Grab your complimentary 5 day mini e-course on creating dynamite relationships at http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com/