Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Food, Good Friends

Hello All,
Here's a photo of my good friend J.J & I after enjoying breakfast
at the Club Cafe at the Hotel Congress here in Tucson. We get together once every 4-6 weeks to support each other and exchange uplifting experiences and books that we've read.
We discovered we are partners in curiosity as we explored the in and outs of this historic hotel. If you want to experience the 1920's and 30's this is the place for you. The intention for our get- togethers was to stay in a positive energy and avoid falling into the "complaint mode". I'm so very fortunate to have someone in my life that desires to strengthen and create inner wealth because I learn so much from her wisdom. Part of your personal environment consists of the people you surround yourself with. It's critical in creating your happiness, joy, abundance and emotional health to have people near you who are interested in your well being as well as in strengthening their spiritual connection. Our discussion prompted the topic for the feature article in the upcoming Conscious Connections. You can read it in the next blog post.
Much Joy to You,