Ella is a master at the concept of fearless playing. As soon as she had her suit on she headed for the water with glee with me running to catch up with her! No matter that the waves broke at her chest high, her joy radiated out in smiles and exhilaration when the water splashed in her face. Her exuberance delighted those in the near vicinity and actually gave them courage to venture in the water with less trepidation. They were responding to her core energy and essence.
That excitement and energy of stretching oneself and playing considerably bigger was also felt during the 5K and half marathon. The crowd cheered all the runners and walkers. One especially incredibly moment was when the 86 year woman crossed the finish line of the half marathon. Whew! what an inspiration to ageless passion. We actually saw her later still upright and walking back to her car accompanied by a relative.
What is the energy that you radiate as you go about your daily routine and tasks? What are you passionate about that defies the fabricated barrier of a

To your passion,
P.S. Sean ran his personal best running the 5K under 30 minutes and Anmarie had her personal best in the half marathon of 2 hours and 16 minutes.
P.S.S. Oh yes, Grandma & Grandpa ran their own 5K running around with Ella.
P.S.S. If you are ready to play big and connect with your passions to create what matters most to you, please e-mail me at colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com to set up your Get To Know You Activation call.