Sunday, November 9, 2008

FR^EE The Spirit of Money/What's Your Money StoryTeleseminar/Interview

Mark your calendars!

November 18 Tuesday: 5pmET/4CT/3MT & AZ/2PT

The Spirit of Money/ What’s Your Money Story?

This is the 2nd interview in the 2008 Fall Consciously Living Green Interview Series.
Join me as I interview Marianna Olszewski of Madison Financial Management, LLC
  • on planning your financial security for now and the future,
  • what’s the very first step you need to take to begin your fiscally responsible journey,
  • women and money,
  • what are some of the limiting beliefs we have around money and a whole lot more?

Marianna was the morning keynote speaker at the Arizona Women’s Conference in September and she presented later in the day also. This interview will take place over a secure bridgeline. This call will be recorded so if you aren’t able to attend live-no worries. You do need to register for the call to receive the recording.

And here is the link to do just that and with more info on Marianna.

I hope to hear you on the call.

Much Joy,