Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer Festival Specials

Hello Everyone,
Last night my husband & I went out to watch the bats under a bridge near us fly out at sunset. We patiently set up the tripod and camera and waited and waited and waited. We saw about 10 bats but the 20,000 we had hoped to see decided to just hang in there. I was hoping to have a video of the nightly flight. Oh well. Tucson is becoming slightly famous for the summer bat population. There are a number of bridges over large washes and riverbeds that house thousands of bats. Bats here are an important part of the saguaro flowering cycle as they contribute to the pollination of the plant. We'll try again another night.

Part of summer for me along with viewing unusual wildlife habits is offering summer program specials. With the changes coming to CLC in the Fall, I have created a summer festival special of programs that will be retired or folded into another program. You're invited to check them out here

Until next time, I'll leave you with this quote "Movement and exercise stimulate Creativity, recharging you when you feel stifled or blocked"

Much Joy,

Colleen Crook, owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection is a Life & Leadership Coach who partners and supports forward thinking spiritually minded individuals in creating a life that is joyful and passion-filled both personally and professionally. She is a certified Facilitator of The Passion Test ™. Send her an e-mail describing your biggest challenge to see how she can help you create what matters most to you.
Phone: 520-777-4494