Saturday, June 21, 2008

Little Dude(ette)- Where Are You?

A couple of weeks ago I shared that we had a gambels's quail nest under an old grounded porch swing that had about 8 eggs in it. Last Sunday morning, I noticed some egg shells scattered near the swing. Very carefully, I lifted the swing and saw that 5 of the eggs had hatched and there were 3 unbroken eggs remaining. No quail parents to be seen or little baby quail scurrying around. Just before 9a.m., I saw a tiny tiny gray brown ball of fluff hobbling around the pedestal of our fountain. Sure enough it was a baby quail. I put out some water on an upside down top of a butter container since it was so hot and my husband and I were leaving for the morning. Later that evening. I noticed this little quail running around the bottom of the pedestal. Each day s(he) would run around the pedestal in the morning and then later in the cool of the evening. For the next week our phone conversations contained tidbits on the progress and activities of our little friend and we were entranced in the evening as we watched our little dude(tte) scurry around the yard exploring further and further from the fountain pedestal. Mid week we checked on the other eggs and they were all hatched. We hadn't noticed any more little dudes or dudettes. Friday morning, I found little dude lying very still by the fountain pedestal. My heart paused until I saw his rhythmic breathing. A little later, I noticed that he had moved a bit further from the pedestal and was still sleeping.About an our later, I went to check up on him(her) and s(he) was gone. I anxiously waited for evening to come to see if little dude would venture out from somewhere. No little dude. It's Saturday and still no little dude. My husband and I are having somewhat of an empty nest experience. Little dude(tte)- I hope that you are okay and hooked up with some other quails. We miss you!

Love & Joy.

Colleen Crook is a Life & Leaderhip Coach who partners with forward thinking individuals who are creative and spirit-minded and want to make a difference. Grab your copy of the complimentary 5 day e-course on consciously creating dynamite interactions at