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As a young girl, I loved visiting my grandparents who lived down the hill from our house. I would often just linger to play outside in their yard. On warm summer mornings, my joy would overflow and I would begin to twirl (spin) and twirl and twirl then drop down to lie on the earth scented grass. I could feel the earth rotate and spin under me all the way down to the core as I gazed up at the milky blue sky. The universe and I were one. The connection to the earth and sky was so intensely profound that even my young self “knew” that this experience was a touch of the divine. At times, it felt as if the past, the present and the yet to come all came together in that particular moment. Such was the joyous feeling of connection. Even as an adult, I still find myself choosing to spin as an expression of sheer joy, when I need to feel connected to the Universe or when I need to bring energy back to my self. I come full circle onto myself.
The expression of Joy can be quiet, loud, dramatic, and physical or however you choose to express it. And express it you must. The nature of Joy requires expression. Joy shared has a wonderful ripple effect which draws out more joy from yourself and others. In our society, there’s a tendency to be guarded about expressing joy-unless it’s a sporting event, graduation or special event. I present that each day is special and giving yourself permission to see and express joy opens you up to a deeper connection with the voice of your soul and in creating what matters most in your life.
How is your joy expressed? Fill in the blank: Sometimes I just gotta __________.