I had a fantastic birthday with tons of cards and well wishes. Thanks to all who took the time to write. I hope you all had a fabulous Mother's Day for yourself, your mom or dear friend /relative who is like a mother to you.
The Wednesday after Mother's Day I got socked with a very nasty stomach flu bug or food poisoning- not sure which. I basically stayed in bed for 4 days emerging on the fifth day to stay up right for more than 30 minutes. Sometimes the body just needs to cleanse itself from the inside out to prepare for more energetic future activities. During that time, a bike that my husband ordered for me arrived. I've always loved to ride and haven't really ridden for a number of years. As soon as I purchase a helmet, I'll take "her" out for spin. This is all part of my renewed commitment to being health conscious.
It's interesting to me that during that time of confinement that I surrendered to my body's wishes to rest, sleep and be totally present in the moment. Emotionally, I was so grateful to be living in an environment with indoor plumbing ,hot running water and plugged into a way of communicating with the world outside my bedroom. I had some rigid lessons in being patient and honestly I handled it all fairly well until the 4th day when I became a little testy. Not eating solid food for 4 days can do that I guess.
So now I'm doing a bit up catch up but with a more relaxed attitude and a profound gratitude and respect for my physical body. I'm more tuned in to listening to what my body needs and in doing that I found I was more receptive to listening to the voice of my soul.
Ever the coach, I even posed a couple of inquiries for my self which I'll share and they were, " How can I meet myself where I am today?" "This is where I am; what do I need?".
Joy, Passion & Simplicity,
The Wednesday after Mother's Day I got socked with a very nasty stomach flu bug or food poisoning- not sure which. I basically stayed in bed for 4 days emerging on the fifth day to stay up right for more than 30 minutes. Sometimes the body just needs to cleanse itself from the inside out to prepare for more energetic future activities. During that time, a bike that my husband ordered for me arrived. I've always loved to ride and haven't really ridden for a number of years. As soon as I purchase a helmet, I'll take "her" out for spin. This is all part of my renewed commitment to being health conscious.
It's interesting to me that during that time of confinement that I surrendered to my body's wishes to rest, sleep and be totally present in the moment. Emotionally, I was so grateful to be living in an environment with indoor plumbing ,hot running water and plugged into a way of communicating with the world outside my bedroom. I had some rigid lessons in being patient and honestly I handled it all fairly well until the 4th day when I became a little testy. Not eating solid food for 4 days can do that I guess.
So now I'm doing a bit up catch up but with a more relaxed attitude and a profound gratitude and respect for my physical body. I'm more tuned in to listening to what my body needs and in doing that I found I was more receptive to listening to the voice of my soul.
Ever the coach, I even posed a couple of inquiries for my self which I'll share and they were, " How can I meet myself where I am today?" "This is where I am; what do I need?".
Joy, Passion & Simplicity,