As mentioned above, my husband and I were ecstatic to have our granddaughter Ella and her parents visit from San Diego for the weekend. I cannot even express the JOY I felt in watching her walk, run, dance and totally charm her grandparents. She is such a happy child ( she has her moments and they are few in comparison). Acknowledgements go to her parents and my daughter-in-law's Aunt June who babysits for them during the day for the gentle and caring way they guide her and give her the freedom to
explore in a
safe environment.

Saturday night found us chillin' and enjoying the music of Chris Gregory , a local singer and songwriter, at Javalina's coffee house Ella was a captive audience for an hour and a quarter even with her bottle. Sunday brought my sister, Kate and husband, Dennis up for lunch and a round of golf.
On Monday,Memorial Day, we had an unexpected visitor to my backyard fountain- a bobcat! I had just lowered the sunshades on the porch so the photo is a little blurry. My small zen-like backyard attracts a multitude of birds including a nesting pair of quail with their eggs, hawks and various lizards. This is a first for the bobca
My intention for the weekend was to create those one moment in time memories while enjoying, relaxing and connecting on a deeper heart level with family. By jove, it was created as I allowed the events to unfold!!
My intention for the weekend was to create those one moment in time memories while enjoying, relaxing and connecting on a deeper heart level with family. By jove, it was created as I allowed the events to unfold!!
Great Joy & simplicity,
Colleen"to create what matters most"