Happy St. Patrick's Day from Conscious Living Connection
Today we recognize Saint Patrick (circa AD 385-461), one of the patron saints of Ireland. Although this is the national holiday of Ireland, the festivities are not confined to the Emerald Isle. This particular holiday has taken on a life of its own and is celebrated throughout the world with parades, festivals and a lot of eating and drinking.In the U.S. we seem to have an obsession with turning things green to celebrate St. Patty's Day. Sure, we do the traditional green beer, green eggs with ham and Lucky Charms with green milk, but we also go green on a much larger scale.
For example:Chicago, IL dyes its river green.
Savannah, GA dyes its downtown city fountains green.
Rolla, MO paints (12) city blocks green with mops for the annual parade.
Indianapolis, IN dyes its main canal green.
Jamestown, NY the Chadakoin River is dyed green.
(courtesy of EzineArticles.com)
Much Joy,