Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Recession proof your business

I'm curious. How many of you are feeling affected by the economy right now?
Are you worried about your business? Are you looking for more income streams? Do you want to start a business but are afraid this isn't the right time? Or are you doing great right now?
For myself, I'm always interested in looking for more ways to take charge of my OWN life and my OWN business. That's why I was intrigued by Ali Brown's new free teleclass on Thursday, March5, called "How to Create Your OWN Strong Economy This Year...With Online Information Marketing." Here's the link to sign up:


And don't forget to share your thoughts and questions below. I'd love to know what you really think about your business and the economy right now.

On this call you'll learn:
* The 5 ways you can recession-proof your business... startingtoday.* Why the Internet is still the BEST way to build a businessFAST, and how to get started.* 3 mistakes entrepreneurs make when taking their businessonline... and how YOU can avoid them.* How to create easy information products that can generate youpassive income while you work or play.

I attended Ali's Online Success Blueprint Workshop last November and she produces such high quality services and products that it's hard to beat. I hope to hear you on the call.

Much Joy,