Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Teleseminar: "From Chaos to Calm -- How to Start Every Morning with Serenity and Clarity"


Are you dashing to the door in the morning? Are you putting on your make-up while driving? Are the kids always late for the bus and you’re late for work? Do you feel like your life is on speed dial?

Stop - If you’ve answered “Yes” to any of the questions then please, please join me March 24 as I reveal the steps and tools to take you From Chaos to Calm in the mornings in this special teleseminar just as I did with my clients Andrea and Sarah in a highly visible T.V. segment Dash to the Door and subsequently with other clients but without the publicity.

So if you are a single parent, working outside the home with a family or single with a time challenge and find that you are:

v Overwhelmed by all the demands placed on you and organization is just another word in the dictionary.
v Feel pulled by the “shoulds” of your job and the ‘wants” of being a parent.
v Are exhausted by trying to DO it all.
v Think that your mornings look like WW Smackdown.
v Want someone to “help” who’s been there.

Find out more and register for this one time only teleseminar at


Much Joy,