Saturday, March 28, 2009
Quick Post
Dim your lights at 8:30 pm your time zone time. Global happening.
Want to save money? Frank Hubbard suggests "The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket."
MUch JOy,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Happy Spring!
for women.
After watching, help me raise money for breast cancer research including IBC.
Have a fantabulous weekend.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How Do You Want To Lead Your Life?
As I was preparing for the upcoming teleseminar on "From Chaos to Calm -- How to Start Every Morning with Serenity and Clarity" I came across this question from a T.V. viewer and my answer to him. It may provide some food for thought.
" A viewer posed this question: Wouldn't "Dash To The Door" have the meaning of getting ready in the morning and taking care of those important to you, rather than "Life Options?"
Here's how I answered him:
I sense that you are committed to your family and are open to demonstrating to them how important they are to you.
To answer your question in road trip sort of way.
Yes, if that is the definition that you want to give it. All families and situations are unique so each of you will have a different perspective about this program and events that occur in your life. Your perspective is just that- your perspective and I respect that. There's no right or wrong in this instance. How your Dash to the Door is handled and managed gives you a glimpse on how you are leading your life and what you are teaching your children. Human beings are multidimensional. The families that applied for this program recognized that they weren't happy with how the morning was going and they had the courage and honesty to seek assistance to make a change. Anytime you decide to make a change (positive or negative) there is a shift in the other areas of life-quantum physics in action. As soon as the decision is made your nervous system starts to make a state change- a state of being change. Dr. Newberg, a neurophysiologist, talks about 'neurons that fire together, wire together'. To have that change become integrated into your lifestyle, it takes practice and as well as commitment so those neurons will wire together. That's why change is a challenge and there's that midpoint that is especially challenging. Any change that is decided upon and an action plan is designed will affect all aspects of your life. In essence, you will begin to look at how you are doing things, communicating and making decisions in all areas of your life. You begin to see options and choices. You are always at choice. You have the choice to keep things as they are or to move in a different direction.
A Life Coach provides a "pattern interrupt" to examine and see what options are available to you and provide structure for you to design an action or strategy that will contribute to your well being in creating your best life. The life you want to lead. As a parent, you are model(s) of how to behave and handle situations for your children. Consciously or unconsciously, you are a leader. An important living legacy for your children and those around you is for them to know that there are options and possibilities in life; and that they are responsible for the decisions regarding those options. You can dare to take charge of yourself and your life or not. Taking charge is different than being in control; taking charge denotes how you are being or decide to respond in any situation that will create an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation while honoring all those involved.
The Dash to the Door program offers to its viewers and the families that participated the opportunity to examine what's happening in the morning and how that effects how they are leading their life.
I so appreciate all the wonderful questions and comments to the tips for the day. The morning crew at KOLD are so supportive and great and alot of fun.
Colleen "
There's still time to register for this upcoming teleclass on March 24 at
Many Blessings,
Quote share
Much Joy,
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tidbits & Happy St. Patrick's Day
Today we recognize Saint Patrick (circa AD 385-461), one of the patron saints of Ireland. Although this is the national holiday of Ireland, the festivities are not confined to the Emerald Isle. This particular holiday has taken on a life of its own and is celebrated throughout the world with parades, festivals and a lot of eating and drinking.In the U.S. we seem to have an obsession with turning things green to celebrate St. Patty's Day. Sure, we do the traditional green beer, green eggs with ham and Lucky Charms with green milk, but we also go green on a much larger scale.
For example:Chicago, IL dyes its river green.
Savannah, GA dyes its downtown city fountains green.
Rolla, MO paints (12) city blocks green with mops for the annual parade.
Indianapolis, IN dyes its main canal green.
Jamestown, NY the Chadakoin River is dyed green.
(courtesy of
Much Joy,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Just a quick post
I found this great little I guess you call it quote. Here it is:
What is Authentic?
Tuned In
Take care.
Much Joy,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Making Decisions- Part I: Fear or Intuition
Deepak Chopra, M. D.
With so many choices and the avalanche of information you are exposed to on a daily basis, it’s no wonder that making even simple decisions can be overwhelming and even paralyzing.
What is the basis for the decisions you make?
Fear: In this seemingly chaotic time, many people are making decisions based on fear. The news constantly talks about the unemployment rate, loss of jobs, the spiraling down Dow and so on. What happens in your body when you base a decision on fear?
First and this is a very general explanation so neuroscientists please give me some allowance on this. Your old brain( amygdala) seeks out safety. That good ole flight ,fight and freeze response. When a decision is made from fear, our response is to flee from something uncomfortable/danger whether real or perceived. Your blood starts pumping and your sympathetic nervous system takes over. Your voice pitch gets higher, your brain seems to freeze and survival is your primary goal. This is not the optimal decision making situation unless you are in a life and death situation. Fear promotes scarcity and a contracting within so looking at situation from different perspectives and being open to other possibilities is almost impossible. In addition to our natural tendency to flee uncomfortable situations, you can learn a fear response if exposed to someone who constantly reacts to change with those fear behaviours. Fears run the gamut from “what will people (or my mom, dad, spouse etc) think of me?”, “what if I make the wrong choice?” “I’ll be embarrassed.” “It won’t be perfect.” “I’ll let people down.” You are unable to listen when in a fear state.
Intuition: “the ability to perceive or know things without conscious reasoning.”
This is the sixth sense, the inner knowing. Lots of right brain activated here. It’s the feeling that something is right or not a fit. Tapping into your intuition takes some practice and an awareness of where in your body that you “sense” how a situation is. One of my favorite shows is NCIS. Gibbs the main character often proceeds with a “gut” feeling on what to do next. Others feel a warming and centeredness in their heart; others have a tingling sensation in their hands of get goose bumps when they listen to their intuition. The important piece in this is to tune into what your body is telling you and trust in its knowledge. In using your intuition as a guide, you open yourself up to receive and embrace the Yes of a deeper wisdom and the abundance of possibilities. The intellect’s role in this is only as consultant to look at ‘what is’ in the present moment. Listen to the sound of Silence.
Coach’s Request: Take some time this month to be aware of what you are making your decisions from- fear or intuition or a combination.
When faced with a decision: take a breath, pause, be in the now, go to heart level and ask yourself “what’s the next logical step?” (Abraham-Hicks)
Inner Listening Exercise (borrowed from Happy for No Reason)
- Find a quiet spot, comfortable spot, and sit with a pen and paper ready.
- At the top of the paper write down a question or issue you’d like guidance about. Phrase the question or issue as clearly as possible.
- Close your eyes and take several deep breaths.
- Ask your inner voice the question you wrote on the paper. It may take a few moments until you feel ready and when you do, open your eyes and start writing whatever comes to you. It doesn’t matter whether it makes sense or not. Keep writing until your hand feels like it won’t move any longer, not reading what you have written as you go.
- Now read over what you’ve written. You may be quite surprised as what wisdom has come out. Even a single word or phrase may be the key to your answer.
Next Month: Part II: Making Decisions -Aligning with Core Values and Passions
Part of my signature Listening to the Voice of Your Soul process in the ProPassion, Purpose, & Prosperity Blueprint addresses decision and commitment making. Schedule a complimentary Get Acquainted Activation conversation to start creating what matters most to you.
Colleen Crook, a Life and Leadership coach and certified facilitator of the Passion Test(TM), is the founder and owner of Conscious Living Connection and the creator of the Living Consciously with Passion, Purpose and Prosperity Blueprint. She supports and partners with spiritually conscious professionals, executives and consciouspreneurs™ and groups to create what matters most authentically and with integrity. Colleen has served in the Allied Health Field as an Occupational Therapist for over 30 years both nationally and internationally, was the co-owner of a successful network marketing business and a thriving private therapy consulting practice. Sign up for your fr^^ee Gift Bundle on creating what matters most at
If you're ready to make a change in your life, schedule a complementary Get Acquainted Activation Session by e-mailing
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Teleseminar: "From Chaos to Calm -- How to Start Every Morning with Serenity and Clarity"
Are you dashing to the door in the morning? Are you putting on your make-up while driving? Are the kids always late for the bus and you’re late for work? Do you feel like your life is on speed dial?
Stop - If you’ve answered “Yes” to any of the questions then please, please join me March 24 as I reveal the steps and tools to take you From Chaos to Calm in the mornings in this special teleseminar just as I did with my clients Andrea and Sarah in a highly visible T.V. segment Dash to the Door and subsequently with other clients but without the publicity.
So if you are a single parent, working outside the home with a family or single with a time challenge and find that you are:
v Overwhelmed by all the demands placed on you and organization is just another word in the dictionary.
v Feel pulled by the “shoulds” of your job and the ‘wants” of being a parent.
v Are exhausted by trying to DO it all.
v Think that your mornings look like WW Smackdown.
v Want someone to “help” who’s been there.
Find out more and register for this one time only teleseminar at
Much Joy,
Monday, March 9, 2009
Why Fabienne believes the Economy doesn't affect you
I wanted to give you a quick heads-up about an important call happening this Thursday about attracting more than enough clients in ANY economy.
Have you heard of marketing expert Fabienne Fredrickson, the'million-dollar Client Attraction Mentor'?
Fabienne believes the Economy doesn't have to affect YOU.
Here's what I mean...
Fabienne's been sitting back, watching the 'The Economy'unfold, and although she's been mostly 'unplugged' from the media, it's undeniable that SOME businesses are having adifficult time.
At the same time, there are a TON of solo-entrepreneurs and business owners out there bringing in lots of clients *and*the Big Bucks. In fact, this continues to happen, no matter WHAT's going on in the economy.
Why IS that?
(In a hurry for the answer? Here's a video that explains itall:
It's because potential customers still need information...they still need services... and they are still spending mo-ney. Lots of it.
BUT, they're spending it hiring entrepreneurs and businesses that do ONE THING that others aren't doing to attract clients.
Would you like to know what that ONE THING is?
To help you do this, Fabienne is going to get really REAL with us about what we need to do, RIGHT NOW, to bring inclients in droves, create a business that prospects can't live without, and guarantee that we always have a very good 1ncome coming in.
And she'll be revealing ALL of this to you on a ONE-TIME-ONLYspecial "More Clients In ANY Economy" call, happening thisThursday, March 12th:
(Turn up your speakers to hear the video she's created for us.)
The "Economy Emergency" F.R.E.E. call THURSDAY, MARCH 12,2009, 8PM Eastern(That's 7PM Central, 6PM Mountain, 5PM Pacific)
Here's how to register for this important call:
You simply CANNOT afford to miss the important information Fabienne and I have to share with you. This information alone will likely change the course of your 1ncome this year and beyond.
See you then!
Much Joy,
PS: Feel free to forward this to your friends and associates,but know that spots are LIMITED on this call, so be sure to reserve YOURS first:
PS - Fabienne's business-building topics are THAT good! I'd hate to see you miss out on this ONE-TIME event.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Race for the Cure
I'll be walking in the April 19 Tucson Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. My intention is to raise a minimum of $200. If you feel a pull to donate here is my personal link: No photo- they wouldn't take. Even though my family has been blessed with healthy breast tissue, I feel called to walk this walk to increase funds for education and research.. In the late '90s while on a travel assignment, I decided to take care of my annual mammogram. The results indicated a tiny mass which I knew was there for as long as I could remember. The doctor wanted to do a radical mastectomy! I was floored. My thoughts were I need a second opinion or at least a biopsy and asked the doctor why so radical in his recommendation. After all I was quite diligent in doing my routine breast exam. He didn't have a good answer. So here I was -an adult woman on the phone with my Mom trying not to break down. She just listened and said I knew what to do. Good coaching Mom! I decided to get a second opinion when I returned to Tucson. My dear sister, Kate who was living in the area researched some clinics and I made an appointment with one specializing in Women's Health. Short story- went through the biopsy( uncomfortable) and all it was was some adipose tissue that had been there forever. Moral to the story- always get a second opinion and listen to your intuition if a recommendation feels off. That's my motivation for the walk.
Here's my link again.
Much Joy,
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Recession proof your business
Are you worried about your business? Are you looking for more income streams? Do you want to start a business but are afraid this isn't the right time? Or are you doing great right now?
For myself, I'm always interested in looking for more ways to take charge of my OWN life and my OWN business. That's why I was intrigued by Ali Brown's new free teleclass on Thursday, March5, called "How to Create Your OWN Strong Economy This Year...With Online Information Marketing." Here's the link to sign up:
And don't forget to share your thoughts and questions below. I'd love to know what you really think about your business and the economy right now.
On this call you'll learn:
* The 5 ways you can recession-proof your business... startingtoday.* Why the Internet is still the BEST way to build a businessFAST, and how to get started.* 3 mistakes entrepreneurs make when taking their businessonline... and how YOU can avoid them.* How to create easy information products that can generate youpassive income while you work or play.
I attended Ali's Online Success Blueprint Workshop last November and she produces such high quality services and products that it's hard to beat. I hope to hear you on the call.
Much Joy,