My mother-in-law, Alice K. Meyer Crook passed away this past Dec. 31, 2008. She was 94 with no severe medical conditions at all. She had developed pneumonia in the last 3 weeks and while we were on vacation we received word that she wasn't doing so well. She has a history of rallying and that's what she did -for one day. By the Monday after Christmas, her situation became critical and we were told to prepare ourselves. How do you prepare yourself for the passing of someone who has been a presence in your life for a long time? Eventhough Alice was ready to go to Jesus, as she would say, it still tugs at the heart. What is her legacy? Aside from her 11 children, 39 grandchildren, 54 great-grandchildren and 5 great-great grandchildren, she is remembered for her humor-with that many children to raise on a farm one definitely needs humor, her delight in children, her ability to see into the depths and magnificence of a child and give them a second chance, her ability to be "tickled" about a situation, her work ethic, her chocolate chip cookies( my big weakness), her inquisitiveness and her devotion to spirit.
At her funeral, there was alot of laughter, love and celebration for a life long and well lived.
Alice didn't know her life purpose but I do know that she embraced being a mother and loved well. As the Beatles sang-"Love is all there is."
Much Joy,