(One of the benefits of a solopreneur is that I can arrange my schedule for what's important.)
I was struck by the sincerity, authenticity , optimism and realism of the inaugural address plus the call to service, collaboration and compassion.
Barak Obama clearly knows his Life Purpose and his gift marker of the "Hal 9000" head line denotes someone who is extremely capable of handling and solving huge problems. His head line is named after Hal 9000 in the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey. This gift indicates that Obama's mind works like a super computer, able to parallel process huge amounts of data quickly. He is the grand synthesizer. It's important for him to have a job that is big, complicated and important. Being President of the United States would definitely satisfy this headline. Most folks who have this thinking ability have a mind that is chronically underemployed. If YOU have a gifted problem-solver head line, you need a large, world-scale issue to solve or your mind will create large problems, particularly in your personal life, to keep itself occupied. This type of head line goes almost all the way across the hand, but stops about a ¼ inch from the edge of the palm.
He also has a Big Heart line which indicates a generous caring and nurturing person.
If you are interested in knowing your Life Purpose and more, contact colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com to find out more and see which Life Purpose Hand Analysis will serve you best.
Much Joy Service,