To lead with spirit in any given situation requires being audacious in being a model for well being and service. Sometimes this looks like not reacting to a zinger comment by a colleague, sometimes it’s gently yet assertively speaking your view or offering an opinion if asked, or not offering an opinion or bringing clarity to a situation or quietly listening in the midst of chaos. Whatever the moment, to be audacious in leading with spirit means being true to your higher self and of standing in a space of your true power.
After much thought on this subject, I realized that there are a number of principles to audaciously leading with spirit. Here are 3 of those principles:
1. Align and connect with your energetic essence and what you value.
to be spiritually centered.
When you are aware of what you value and is important to you, you have a center or base to respond in any situation. Your calm centered response becomes a model for others. Connect with whatever you call Source Energy and your core values to re-align yourself so you can be the leader you are seeking. This applies in every situation that you can imagine: to business, parenting, project management.You will then attract the people and situations you want in your life and be able to handle the not so fun ones that crop up in everybody’s life with more integrity and mastery.
2. Activate the Universal Law of Harmony:
As a leader, groups that have the intention of harmonious discourse and decision-making, create solutions more quickly than the opposite. First, you have the intention of self-harmony. Resolving to find balance through non-judgement of self, self-respect and mastery over your thoughts. You then have a base to extend that to others and collaboration is born of respect, honor and compassion.
One way to really activate this Universal Law is remove complaining from your repertoire. A great resource for this is A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen.
3. The Power of Love: send loving energy.
This is synchronistic with the Universal Law of Harmony. Of course, you begin with self-love which is the most challenging. By sending loving energy, you set in motion the ability to let go of your perspective and be open to the universe to provide unique solutions.
For example, you’re in a meeting and it’s not going very well. The temptation is to jump into the foray or sit there resigned to the fact that there will be no positive outcome. After centering yourself, send loving energy to each of participants or colleagues in the meeting. Think loving thoughts that all will be resolved peacefully. Even visualize everyone happy and satisfied with the outcome.
Try this with a variety of situations and see what the outcome is.
On a personal note, I used this powerful practice when handling a credit card charge error and it worked really well.
Coaching request: Where in your life can you be audacious in leading with spirit?
Much Joy,