In the wake of my mother-in-laws passing there are some things to celebrate. My client, Janet, completed her The Path Daybook for Young Women recently and is busy with all the final and nitty gritty details of publishing it. Congratulations Janet!!!!! This book is totally awesome. I was privileged to receive a copy of the not quite ready to be published book. There will be more on this as the project comes to completion. Check out Janet's testimonial at
The other big news is that a client, her story and my partnership with her are featured in the current January 12, 2009 issue of Woman's World magazine. This is a full page article on her journey form chaos to calm in the morning. I must state that some journalistic license was taken in the writing of the article and otherwise the overall story is accurate.
If you are interested in receiving the 52 tips that came from this partnership sign up for them in the Gift Bundle at would you like to celebrate today? Much Joy,
Colleen Crook is a Life & Spiritual Leadership coach and owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection providing coaching/mentoring for spiritually conscious professionals, consciouspreneurs(TM) ,excutives and groups who want to create what matters most with authenticity and integrity through the Consciously Living with Passion Purpose and Prosperity Success Program. Colleen is also known as the Passions to Action Mentor. Sign up for your Fr^ee Create What Matters Most gift bundle at