Sunday, November 30, 2008

And a good time was had by All!

This was sign-off slogan used by Echo Taylor in her weekly column in Jackson Wy. keeping everyone up to date on who was celebrating what and who was visiting whom. My family and I made the column on a number of occasions. I also use it from time to time as it describes the happy outcome of visits, special occasions or whenever people gather together to share, laugh and have a generally good time. And a good time was had by all this past week as I was privileged to celebrate Thanks & Giving Day twice.

My granddaughter,Ella, son Sean and daughter-in-law Anmarie made the trip from San Diego the weekend before Thankful Thursday to share turkey and good times with each other. We enjoyed watching some of the Disney videos I had kept especially for times like these and a beautiful walk in the desert. Of course watching Ella investigated every nook and cranny kept us all hopping. As my friend Louise would say "Evidence of grandchildren!" as we successfully cleaned off the black sharpie marked on my desk.

On T-Day we travelled down to Sierra Vista to eat, drink and be merry with my sister Kate, hubby Dennis and son Zach. It was a laid back and tranquil visit. Those of you who are interested in paintball, my nephew Zach is pictured in the paintball magazine in full regalia as well as his team. Pretty cool!

Ella reminded me of two creative business habits that at times I'm challenged to keep in mind and
now I have a visual that deepens my awareness of them.

Joyful abandon Intense focus

What creative habits do you want to put into practice so you create what matters most to you?

Much Joy,

Colleen Crook is a Life & Leadership coach and owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection providing coaching/mentoring for forward thinking individuals and groups who want to create what matters most by connecting them with their passion and inherent creativity through the Consciously Living with Passion Purpose and Prosperity Success Program. Colleen is also known as the Passions to Action Mentor. Sign up for your Fr^ee Create What Matters Most gift bundle

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Highlights from Mo**ney Interview


Marianna Olszewski of Madison Financial Management and gave a great interview on The Spirit of Mo**ney/What’s Your Mo***ney Story? on Nov.18. Here are some of the highlights to start your personal money plan:

*Make a chart with what do I own on one side and what do I owe on the other side. Tally it up and see what’s remaining.
*Start a money diary of your daily spending. This will give you a clear picture of where your money is going. It turns vagueness into clarity. And we all like clarity. This can relieve anxiety around money.
*Now you can ask yourself “What am I spending?’
*And from there you can ask “Where can I tweak things?”

Mindset Strategies: Avoid listening and spending time with gloom and doom.
Take care of yourself- surround yourself with positive people- focus on what you can change.

Join me for the next interview with Marci Schimoff on Tuesday Dec. 2 on Self-Love/Self-Acceptance. Register here:

Joy to All,


Monday, November 24, 2008

3 Ah-Ah's from L.A.

As I've mentioned previously I attended the last Ali Brown Online Success Blueprint Workshop in L.A. I've never attended a workshop quite like this one. It was orchestrated on a whole new level with songs, dancing, fun and diversity of guest speakers and many many Ah- Ah moments- in addition to being in the company of multi-millionaires and a billionaire. The energy and mindset of these female entrepreneurs was refreshing to see. These are strong, powerful yet feminine and heart centered business women who shared their expertise and gifts selflessly and with style.
One thing that I was really excited about was that the majority of my mentors attended also and I was able to meet up with them throughout the workshop days.

Here's photo of me with my coach Heather Dominick . We eventually located each other on the last day. The other photo is of my friend and colleague, Louise Abbot, a successful coach in her own right. We by chance ended up as travelling companions and were very happy about that.
Back to the Ah-Ah's:
1." I don't compare, I don't compete, I just am."
One of the first things that Ali said truly resonated with me and became my mental mantra during the workshop. What really stops us from playing big and stepping into our YES is the constant self sabotage that we do by comparing what we do with others or in some cases focusing on trying to do better than someone else. With this statement, you stay in the present and focus on being your best self and always being with your Inner Wisdom. There is such self-acceptance when you say "I just am". ( Register for the upcoming interview with Marci Schimoff on Self-Love/Self-Acceptance
2. "I am my best asset."
In my first career as an Occupational Therapist, we were taught that the most valuable tool we had to be a bridge to independent living was the therapeutic use of self. The same applies to any career choice or business. You are your best asset and as you develop and expand your skills and beingness your core energy attracts what you want to create. Take care and honor your best
asset - You.
3. Holding back and playing small denies the God (or whatever name resonates with you)
that created you.
These are 3 of the Ah-Ah's that I had during this 3 incredible day event.
I'll check in with you later.
Much Joy,

Monday, November 17, 2008

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

That's a beautiful song and I don't think the songwriter was thinking of smoke from wildfires. I was in L.A. this past weekend attending Alexandria Brown's last ever Online Success Blueprint Workshop. It was a hoot with designer port 'o potties included and sessions lasted into the night so venturing outside after 6-6:30 pm in unknown territory was not advised. When I turned on the T.V. the local coverage was soley on the wildfires. With our incredible technology, they were up close and personal with satellite views of the dense clouds of smoke. By Friday, the smell of smoke was in the hotel hallways and by Saturday night it made it's way into the room. Looking outside it looked like a scene out of mystery thriller on a dense fog shrouded London day. The devastation was massive and the good in people outshined the few scavengers that were caught. I'll write more later in the week.

I also wanted to remind you of the special complimentary interview I'm facilitating tomorrow on The Spirit of Mo**ney/What's Your Mo**ney Story? with Marianna Olszweski of Madison Financial Management. Here is the registration link again:

Love to hear your voice on the call. If you can't make it -no worries- the call will be recorded. Just register to receive the MP3.

Much Joy,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

FR^EE The Spirit of Money/What's Your Money StoryTeleseminar/Interview

Mark your calendars!

November 18 Tuesday: 5pmET/4CT/3MT & AZ/2PT

The Spirit of Money/ What’s Your Money Story?

This is the 2nd interview in the 2008 Fall Consciously Living Green Interview Series.
Join me as I interview Marianna Olszewski of Madison Financial Management, LLC
  • on planning your financial security for now and the future,
  • what’s the very first step you need to take to begin your fiscally responsible journey,
  • women and money,
  • what are some of the limiting beliefs we have around money and a whole lot more?

Marianna was the morning keynote speaker at the Arizona Women’s Conference in September and she presented later in the day also. This interview will take place over a secure bridgeline. This call will be recorded so if you aren’t able to attend live-no worries. You do need to register for the call to receive the recording.

And here is the link to do just that and with more info on Marianna.

I hope to hear you on the call.

Much Joy,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

From There and Back Again

I've returned from the North country of Southern Wisconsin. I flew into Milwaukee on a wind that turned the trees into the Womping Willow from the Harry Potter series. Smooth flights both ways. I was fortunate that my sister Patsy was just returning from a trip in New England and was able to coordinate picking me up with her arrival back to the Badger State. It's always wonderful to visit family and my intention was to visit and see all my siblings(6) who lived in Wisconsin. I'm happy to report that I fulfilled my intention plus. My sister who lives in Az. popped in toward the end of my visit. It was pure pleasure hearing the geese on the Rock River and to watch them fly across the sky in their V formation against the early morning rosy hues and the late afternoon coral brilliance. I love fall and late fall. Unexpected sightings of 27 wild turkeys on a back country road was total delight( didn't have my camera.) My parents happened to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary the week I was able to visit. They wanted no fanfare but we managed to have some very simple get-togethers with traditional and a non-traditional gift of family hand prints. That led to some discussion and interest in the Conscious Living Connection Life Purpose Hand Analysis. Being able to plan my time off when I want to is one of the benefits that I enjoy as a business owner and one I truly cherish. Below are some photos from not quite the frozen tundra although it was cold to my Az. blood.

Photos: Passing out Halloween treats, Lunch with Mom
Photos: VIP Day with niece Kate ,60 year Passion, Anniversary Mass

Stay tuned for the announcements of the upcoming Consciously Living Green interviews in Nov. & Dec.

Here's to creating what matters most to you with integrity and authenticity.

Joy, Passion & Simplicity,

Stuck? Overwhelmed? don't know where to start? Bring your biggest "I want to ___." challenge to a complimentary Get Acquainted Activation conversation to see what we can co-create what matters most to you.Schedule by e-mailing

Colleen Crook is a Life & Leadership coach and owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection providing coaching/mentoring for forward thinking individuals and groups who want to create what matters most by connecting them with their passion and inherent creativity through the Consciously Living with Passion Purpose and Prosperity Success Program. Colleen is also known as the Passions to Action Mentor. Sign up for your Fr^ee Create What Matters Most gift bundle.