Thursday, September 17, 2009

What are you Tolerating?

You’ve all seen the TV programs where a crew comes in and works with a homeowner to clear the clutter and crud that has built up from being unable to let go of material things that no longer are of benefit or create a better life for the person. You’ve probably sat there like I have wondering what could possibly possess these people to live like that and tolerate those living conditions that are so (from our point of view) easily resolved.
The old judgement gremlin really comes out to play for me during these programs.
Take this Clean Sweep Idea into the annoyances and irritants in your life.

So what are you tolerating in your life, your business or career? What are you putting up with on a daily, weekly basis that takes your energy by avoiding it, denying that it’s there, pretending that it’s not there, telling yourself that it’s okay the way it is or just suck it up?

This is a challenging concept to dive into. It brings up so many emotions and the inner critic loves to dance to this one.

There’s the drawer that when you open it the handle falls off. But you’ll fix it sometime.

There’s the committee meeting you need to attend but feel nothing is accomplishment but you want to contribute to your community so faithfully attend.

There’s the friend who constantly berates you and puts you down but you’ve known this person since high school and she doesn’t have many friends.

There’s the number on the scale that you would love to avoid so you do and will start a new eating routine tomorrow but first you’ll finish off that bag of Rollos so they’ll be gone.

What I’m referring to are things, situations, commitments etc that do not serve you in being your higher self because they drain your energy, your success, your self development. As you journey through life, there’s the mistaken impression that to be more successful you have to take more on and the exact opposite is true. As you grow and live your life purpose there are things, situations, people, and ideas etc that do not serve you in moving forward positively and with honor.

I have a colleague who has a million dollar business. One of her tolerations was that she was running her business from the kitchen table amidst mealtimes, snack times and general hubbub that generates around the kitchen table. There wasn’t any privacy for phone calls or in person consultations. She had given her son the extra room for a play room a few years ago. When she realized she was putting up with a confined space and not honoring herself or her business, she made the necessary adjustments to expand her business space as her business expanded. Now that frustrated energy is channelled into her business.

What is frustrating you?

Here’s what’s frustrating me right now.
Every time I open my computer, I cringe and hunch up my shoulders. Will it open, will it stall on a word doc I’m writing, how many minutes will it take to change screens? Right now I’m tolerating a computer that is hampering my work, causing a leak in my focus and efficiency and challenging my commitment to find the fun in everything I do. My intention is to have my laptop checked out for now and in the new quarter purchase a new computer. What’s stopping me? I’ll be out of virtual communication with my clients, the programs I’m participating in and creative projects that I’m developing on. What’s my next conscious step? With a little pre-planning I can take my laptop in to my “computer people” and give time to my self.

The invitation to action is to make a list(s) of what you are tolerating in your life, business, and career. Go for it –don’t be shy, be honest with yourself, look at the pink elephant in the room.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. What am I tolerating? Putting up with?
2. What is frustrating me?
3. Where am I being ordinary?
4. Where am I blindly following a routine?
5. Where I am stuck, stalled or stopped?
6. Where am I suffering?
7. What am I avoiding?

Then look at your list and choose one glaring item from your list for now.
Now ask yourself what has this cost me and what is one step I can take to move myself forward with this.

I know you have the courage, honesty and self love to eliminate at least one toleration.

If you find yourself at a stand still and need a safe space to address your tolerations and move forward, I am here to support you in being your best self. E-mail me to schedule a Get Acquainted conversation to start living your empowered life