Sunday, May 17, 2009

Birthday and Anniversary Specials

Conscious Living Connection Birthday & Anniversary Specials

Each year to celebrate my birthday I look to see what specials I can offer you and this year there are two juicy choices.

Special 1

Coming out of retirement is the 45 minute Strategy Session or Clarity Stimulus Session for $60.00. This is the lowest I have offered this Service.

· Need some support around an issue or just plain stuck this session will give you clarity and you’ll leave with an action plan.
· Digital recording for you to review and so you can be fully present during this call.

E-mail to schedule your personal strategy session. You can schedule this for June but you need purchase this by May 22, 2009.

Special 2

I am in the process of redesigning the Conscious Living Connection Life Purpose Hand Analysis and the tuition will be going up.

For the month of May, purchase the 60 minute CLC Life Purpose Hand Analysis for the tuition of $149. After May 31, the 60 minute Hand Analysis will have a price increase and the 90 minute one will be retired.

What you receive:
· 1 hand printing kit.
· Information about fingerprint development and hand analysis.
· 60 minute Hand Reveal
· Digital Recording of the Reveal
· Your Life School, Life lesson & Life Purpose and more.
· What's keeping you from living life full out.

E-mail me with questions and to make your Life Purpose commitment.

With Love & Light,
