Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My American Idol Connection

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Birthday and Anniversary Specials
Each year to celebrate my birthday I look to see what specials I can offer you and this year there are two juicy choices.
Special 1
Coming out of retirement is the 45 minute Strategy Session or Clarity Stimulus Session for $60.00. This is the lowest I have offered this Service.
· Need some support around an issue or just plain stuck this session will give you clarity and you’ll leave with an action plan.
· Digital recording for you to review and so you can be fully present during this call.
E-mail colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com to schedule your personal strategy session. You can schedule this for June but you need purchase this by May 22, 2009.
Special 2
I am in the process of redesigning the Conscious Living Connection Life Purpose Hand Analysis and the tuition will be going up.
For the month of May, purchase the 60 minute CLC Life Purpose Hand Analysis for the tuition of $149. After May 31, the 60 minute Hand Analysis will have a price increase and the 90 minute one will be retired.
What you receive:
· 1 hand printing kit.
· Information about fingerprint development and hand analysis.
· 60 minute Hand Reveal
· Digital Recording of the Reveal
· Your Life School, Life lesson & Life Purpose and more.
· What's keeping you from living life full out.
E-mail me with questions and to make your Life Purpose commitment.
With Love & Light,
Birthday Blast!

Last weekend was fun, fantastic, and delicious! Here are some pics of my Birhtday and Mother's Day Blast. We all need to stretch and step out of our comfort zone at times- that's how we grow and evolve into our best selves. And that's what I did at California Adventure. I usually decline going on the roller coaster or anything with dizzing heights and this time I went on every adventure and gravity defying ride. Of course California soaring was the most amazing. Saturday was family day and my little family added to the weekend celebration. The weekend was about consciously creating what matters most yet embracing and allowing the serendipitous to occur. Here are some photos and a fireworks video for your viewing enjoyment.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Quantum Attraction Café

On June 4, 2009 Thursday: the Quantum Attraction Café makes its inaugural appearance.
Each month there will be a live teleseminar and Q&A call on one of the Universal Laws or Spiritual Laws of Success. These calls will be informative, full of energy as well as give you practical ideas on how to implement and integrate them into your daily practice. This is an ongoing program to support you in living your greatest life. Plus a whole lot more, go to this link to get your “what’s that?’ question answered. http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com/quantumattract.htm
Listen to the call, check out your 12 member benefits and become a member today!
Affirmation: I am conscious of my resourcefulness, my creativity, and my power to create a great destiny.
Feature Article: Part III- Making Decisions with Life Purpose and Your Inner Guidance System.
Life Purpose is your raison d’etre- your reason of being, your soul’s divine mission, your calling, the why of why you’re here, the listening to the voice of your soul, the leading and living with spirit.
When you know your Life’s Purpose and align your great work with your Life Purpose then decisions are smoother and easier. “But how do I find out what my life purpose is?” you may ask. There are a number of books and press out on Life Purpose that can support you in finding out what you’re life purpose is and the internet has made this extremely easy.
Another way is to take some time and see what your drawn to doing, what puts you in the zone so to speak, in what do you feel the most fulfilled. This is highly individual and may or may not necessarily involve your career choice. It may involve what you do outside of work and your work provides the financial means for you to engage in your Life’s purpose mission and vision. Another way to determine your life purpose is through the Life Purpose Hand Analysis; your Life Purpose was imprinted on your divinely crafted fingerprints. Your Life Purpose is uniquely yours and how you choose to express and share your gifts to the world is also uniquely you.
As you come to know your why, then you’re able to be more discerning in choosing and deciding what people, activities, projects, and commitments align with your life purpose and will support and serve you in doing your great work.
Here are a few examples of Life Purpose and how knowing this impacts your decisions and where you focus your time, energy, and resources.
J.P is a business consultant and coach. He had a desire to take his business to a really big level but wasn’t sure if that was the right thing. The CLC Life Purpose Hand Analysis revealed that his Life Purpose is to take his work to the global community where he would make a positive difference. Knowing this validated and confirmed for him that he was on the correct path for him and to step out in the world in a big way with confidence and purpose because the world needed his gifts and talents. He now had a clear direction of where to place his time, his energy and resources.
J.S. is very talented and artistic. She had any number of projects started but not always completed; her one big project was sitting there waiting. She also was involved in her community. Her Life Purpose involves using her innovative, artistic and business skills to provide uplifting messages to families and to the community in a number of creative ways. As a result of knowing her Life Purpose she made the decision to create space in her schedule to complete not only her Big project but several others. Knowing her Life Purpose gave her permission to be her most authentic self.
Taken altogether, trusting your intuition, knowing your core values, what you are most passionate about and what your Purpose here on earth is, gives you your Inner Guidance System. You can use any one of these to guide your decision making or all. As you practice using these tools, decisions will become less frustrating even the most challenging. Making decisions is complex at times and old limiting programs like to pop up and make us second guess ourselves. I encourage you try out some of the activities and exercises mentioned in this series. Happy Decision Making!
Colleen Crook coaches spiritually- conscious entrepreneurial and professional women who aspire to be leaders in their life/community to authentically create what matters most with joy and ease. Colleen, a Life and Leadership Transformation coach and certified facilitator of the Passion Test(TM), is the founder and owner of Conscious Living Connection and the creator of the Living Consciously with Passion, Purpose and Prosperity Blueprint. Colleen has served in the Allied Health Field as an Occupational Therapist for over 20 years both nationally and internationally; was the co-owner of a successful network marketing business and a thriving private therapy consulting practice. Sign up for your Fr^^ee Gift Bundle on creating what matters most at www.consciouslivingconnection.com
If you're ready to make a change in your life, schedule a complimentary Get Acquainted Activation Conversation by e-mailing colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com