When I was a Brownie and then later as a Girl Scout back when the cookies sold for 50 cents a box, there was song we sang with the verse “This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine all the time.” The call is to develop and use your gifts and talents and Be your authentic self in serving yourself and your community in the best way possible. As a person grows and matures sometimes that light diminishes under the press of responsibilities, the opinions of others, the “shoulds”, fear of being different, fear of failure of how can I make a difference, fear of upsetting the status quo or the not knowing on where to place your time, your energy or resources.
The world needs your talents, expertise and gifts more than ever. Your work is too important for you not to fully actualize it. There are people out there who need the gifts you have. Whether you are self-employed, an employed professional, an executive, a retiree, an empty nester, working part-time, recently laid off, or in any honorable profession you have something to share. One of my colleagues loves to sing and he joined a barbershop quartet. His gift and talent in this area will provide beauty and enjoyment for many people. Part of the frustration I hear from individuals is that they are unsure of their life purpose or that they are in job that they are not passionate about anymore or never were. Even if you are unable at this time to make a living from your passion, schedule time for it daily, weekly whatever it takes for you to fill and listen to the voice of your soul. Maybe you’re gifted with organizing and your friend is a web genius; maybe you’re the best homemade valentine maker ever and you trade that with your friend who bakes an out of this world lasagna. Barter, trade or whatever you can do to keep your light shining.
One way to be expansive during this time of change and sense of contraction/pulling in is to share your gifts and talents as they were divinely given. When you do, you will be listening to the voice of your soul. Come out of hiding, stand up, pivot and see what possibilities are out there for you.
"… There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to
shine, as children do. … It's not just in some of us; it's in
everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from
our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Marianne Williamson
Be the sky, be the sun, be the dawn and be the new day begun.
If you are uncertain about why you are here or what’s stopping you from living life full out , the CLC Life Purpose Hand Analysis can give you direction and clarity. Your hands are an exquisite neuro-map of your life and gifts. Just e-mail me at colleen@consciouslivingconnection.com for more information.