Wednesday, February 25, 2009
How to create your own economy in 2009
I have some exciting news to share. (And it might shock you a little too.)
Are you ready? Here goes -- now is actually a FANTASTIC time to start or expand a business.
Yes, really! Ali is the reason I started out 2009 with renewed enthusiasm to serve you in the highest possible way.
And to prove it, I want to invite you to a FREE teleseminar Ali Brown is hosting on Thursday, March 5, called "How to CreateYour OWN Strong Economy This Year... With Online Information Marketing."
(In a hurry? Just go here: )
You may have heard of Ali. She's really shaken up the Internetmarketing world by being honest and telling it how it is. And now she's going to do the same about the economy, the recession,and building a business.
On this FREE one-time-only teleseminar, Ali will be sharing her secrets on one of the best business models in the world. It's recession-proof, allows you to control your own income, and hundreds of men and women just like YOU are using it to addhundreds to thousands of dollars to their bottom line eachmonth. It's called online information marketing and you'll begetting a crash-course so you can start implementingIMMEDIATELY.
On this call you'll learn:
* The 5 ways you can recession-proof your business... startingtoday.* Why the Internet is still the BEST way to build a businessFAST, and how to get started.* 3 mistakes entrepreneurs make when taking their businessonline... and how YOU can avoid them.* How to create easy information products that can generate youpassive income while you work or play.* How you can claim $500 OFF Ali's brand new 2009 Online SuccessBlueprint System -- featuring DVDs, CDs, and more!
You'll want to sign up NOW before you forget. Here's the link:
See you on the call!
Much Joy,
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Upcoming Interview-How to changing your handwriting can help you manifest.

Not manifesting what you want? You may need to change the way you write.
In this age of text messaging and computer generated communication, handwriting seems almost a lost skill. Join me for this unique perspective on manifesting and creating what matters most to you, as I interview internationally known graphology expert, Kathi McKnight in the first official complimentary Consciously Manifesting What You Want Interview Series. Just like hand analysis, graphology is another facet of the neuro-map of your life.
A few years back Kathi analyzed my handwriting and I found it very informative and powerful. She was spot on regarding a certain situation that I was in at the time and all I could do was laugh when she shared her insights with me.
Kathi will again be reading my signature to my delight or chagrin. We’ll see what is revealed. As I mature my handwriting seems to change and become less legible- as a colleague noted “It’s beautiful but I just can’t read it.”
Wouldn’t it be fun to analyze your own handwriting or find out what technique is more powerful than an affirmation?
Please register and join me for this unique interview. To find out more about Kathi and to watch her interview on Fox T.V., go to this link:
See you on the registration page. This interview will be recorded.
Much Joy,
P.S. This will be a very fun and informative interview. You really don’t want to miss it!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I'm so proud........
The Creativity Bug
I shared on Facebook a while back that I was blocked in my creativity. Thinking back to when I felt the most creative I discovered that I was engaged in making something- a Christmas ornament, a wall quilt etc. So to unblock my right brain and to restart my creative juices I decided to make a Raggedy Anne doll for my granddaughter. In a galaxy, long long ago, I made a Raggedy Anne as a college project and felt that going back to that experience would get my creative brain back into gear. So out I went looking for the pattern and various and sundry materials that I needed. I started the project just before New Years and it sat there on my dining room table for several weeks until I felt those intuitive nudges to "get to it". What I found out was that I needed to reacquaint myself with my sewing machine and then batch or chunk the time to work on this project. I was becoming overwhelmed with the details of the project and my own idea of the due date to have the doll finshed. So I coached myself about this and asked (myself)" What would assist you in completeing this project in a timely manner and create a joyuous and fun experience for you?" The answer came intuitively that I needed to:
- set aside specific focus time in my calendar for this wonderful project and stick to it in addition to chunking a 2 hour block of time
- to give myself permission to take a break when the project was becoming frustrating and not fun.
- to relax my idea of the due date
- and be totally present while sewing,pinning and stuffing.
This self-coaching really helped and needless to say I have more energy towards this project and look forward to my set time of working on it.
What sparks your creative juices? I welcome your e-mails, if you feel inclined to send me your inspirations.
Much Joy,
P.S. Photo next week.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I'm now twittering
This is new territory for me. Connect with me on Twitter. Tweet, Tweet. Am I twittered-pated?
Are you Hiding Out?
When I was a Brownie and then later as a Girl Scout back when the cookies sold for 50 cents a box, there was song we sang with the verse “This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine all the time.” The call is to develop and use your gifts and talents and Be your authentic self in serving yourself and your community in the best way possible. As a person grows and matures sometimes that light diminishes under the press of responsibilities, the opinions of others, the “shoulds”, fear of being different, fear of failure of how can I make a difference, fear of upsetting the status quo or the not knowing on where to place your time, your energy or resources.
The world needs your talents, expertise and gifts more than ever. Your work is too important for you not to fully actualize it. There are people out there who need the gifts you have. Whether you are self-employed, an employed professional, an executive, a retiree, an empty nester, working part-time, recently laid off, or in any honorable profession you have something to share. One of my colleagues loves to sing and he joined a barbershop quartet. His gift and talent in this area will provide beauty and enjoyment for many people. Part of the frustration I hear from individuals is that they are unsure of their life purpose or that they are in job that they are not passionate about anymore or never were. Even if you are unable at this time to make a living from your passion, schedule time for it daily, weekly whatever it takes for you to fill and listen to the voice of your soul. Maybe you’re gifted with organizing and your friend is a web genius; maybe you’re the best homemade valentine maker ever and you trade that with your friend who bakes an out of this world lasagna. Barter, trade or whatever you can do to keep your light shining.
One way to be expansive during this time of change and sense of contraction/pulling in is to share your gifts and talents as they were divinely given. When you do, you will be listening to the voice of your soul. Come out of hiding, stand up, pivot and see what possibilities are out there for you.
"… There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to
shine, as children do. … It's not just in some of us; it's in
everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from
our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Marianne Williamson
Be the sky, be the sun, be the dawn and be the new day begun.
If you are uncertain about why you are here or what’s stopping you from living life full out , the CLC Life Purpose Hand Analysis can give you direction and clarity. Your hands are an exquisite neuro-map of your life and gifts. Just e-mail me at for more information.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
International Coaching Week
Personal and business coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Professional coaches, through their relationships with their clients, encourage and empower them to find their way to solutions for issues which face them. The process may include setting and working toward goals, finding out what the individual client is doing to block their own progress, taking an assessment to help identify strengths and challenges, and many other strategies. Coaching clients include business leaders, scientists, educational leaders, teenagers, women and men in transition, individuals moving from their active career into retirement.
This is profession that is guided by a code of ethics and core competencies. There are a number of people who call themselves a coach who have not gone through the thorough and rigorous certification process that a professional coach has gone through. When making the decision to hire a coach here some guidelines to consider:
- Ask if the coach has received training from an accredited and recognized coaching school.
- Connect with several coaches to find the style and energy match for you.
- Ask about life experiences- many new coaches have been working with people for a long time and only recently have added professional coach to their credentials.
- Ask about their coaching philosophy and the process they may follow during a coaching session.
These are just a few guidelines to keep in mind. Websites for more information include and
Happy Coaches Week to all my colleagues; and a huge appreciation and Yahoo! to all my wonderful clients who allow me to live my life purpose.
Much Joy,
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Back to the Future
Why am I going on and on about this? I feel that broadening your knowledge base and developing your gifts to share with the world is paramount in living your life purpose. An interesting fact that emerged was that the majority of student are nontraditional meaning that they work part or some full time while completing their college or graduate education. I've always been a proponent of higher education and readily encourage colleagues and others to go for it. If your dream has been to further your education, age is not an issue nor circumstances, if you want it, there are ways and people to help you along. It may take a little creativity and innovation to do. Even if it takes 5,6 or 7 years to complete, you will be that must closer by starting your journey this year than you if you don't.
Are you ready to create what matters most to you be it furthering your education or something else? On Dec. 31st when you look back ,what do you want to see?
Much Joy,Colleen
P.S. Not the best photo.