Sunday, April 13, 2008

A new resource

While perusing the library shelves the other day, I came across a small book that I was compelled to check out. It's titled "A Complaint Free World" by Will Bowen with a 21 day challenge. As my norm with thought-provoking books, I often start near the end or in the middle. This time I started toward the end with the stories of the people who undertook the 21 day challenge.

I frequently feel that I am not a huge complainer and sometimes I'm impatient with "whiners" or winjjers( as my Aussie friends call them). Color me with the scarlet C. When faced with an obstacle, especially when tired, I sometimes find myself looking for someone or something to blame. Good heavens, it can't be me who is responsible. I was probably giving myself a score of 3 or4 on the complaint scale. I was not aware of my amount of complaining. There are certain people in my "circle of angels" with whom I can complain on a limited time basis-10 minutes of venting and that's it. Even giving credence to a complaint by being sucked into the unjustness of it's not fair or the what can you expect situations, puts one on the side of a complainer. To clarify what a complaint is versus an objective observation, here is an example: Say you are in a restaurant and the soup you ordered is cold ( and it's not a cool summer soup or gazpacho). A complaint would be " What's wrong with them that they dare serve me soup that's cold? An observation would be " The soup is cold." and you make the necessary polite request to heat it up.

As with all things worth doing, this creative habit is simple but not easy and eventually with enough application and practice does result in competence mastery and a new paradigm shift.
It makes sense as you live your dream and your extraordinary life with passion and joy that your energy goes toward solutions versus being sucked down into a negative energy vacuum.

I'm going for the challenge and my purple bracelet. If you're game check out the website at . You'll be creating what matters.


Colleen Mary