Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hot Time in the Summer?

I'm curious. Do you view the summer months as a time to kickback, relax, and do just enough business to get by? Or do you consider it one of your hottest months (no pun intended)?

I ask because I'm intrigued by the new teleclass Millionaire Entrepreneurial Coach Ali Brown is hosting. It's called "Ali'sTop 10 Recommendations to Kick-Up Your Revenues This Summer!"
Ali believes it doesn't matter what else is happening in the world around you, if you want to grow your business, you will. In fact, it was over a summer when she took her business from the low 6-figures to breaking 7-figures.

Here's the link if you want to check out her teleclass and signup:

But don't forget to leave a comment. I really want to know - are you planning on growing your business this summer, worried you won't be able to grow your business, or are you planning on taking it easy?
