Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hot Time in the Summer?

I'm curious. Do you view the summer months as a time to kickback, relax, and do just enough business to get by? Or do you consider it one of your hottest months (no pun intended)?

I ask because I'm intrigued by the new teleclass Millionaire Entrepreneurial Coach Ali Brown is hosting. It's called "Ali'sTop 10 Recommendations to Kick-Up Your Revenues This Summer!"
Ali believes it doesn't matter what else is happening in the world around you, if you want to grow your business, you will. In fact, it was over a summer when she took her business from the low 6-figures to breaking 7-figures.

Here's the link if you want to check out her teleclass and signup:

But don't forget to leave a comment. I really want to know - are you planning on growing your business this summer, worried you won't be able to grow your business, or are you planning on taking it easy?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Cause Greater than Oneself

A BIG HUG to all those who donated to the Race for the Cure on my donation page. There's something magical about being part of a cause bigger than you. It gives credence and power to what you do and connects you energetically on a universal level. Saturday I participated in the non-competitive 5K walk for the Race for the Cure. What a time! Thousands of people were there as cheerleaders, runners, walkers and whatever needs to be done volunteers. There were colorful and custom T-shirts from various groups walking or running together. My absolute favorite was a group T-shirt that had "Save the Ta-Ta's" written across the chest. Below are some photos of the crowd, a unique BRA-banner, and an ethnic group who walked in full regalia.

Big Hugs,


Masterminding Brilliance

Here I am with Louise- we meet once a month to share, assist, support and enlighten each other and plan in creating what matters most.

Masterminds are terrific. They work in any arena- business, professional, personal and on any topic. It's great to be with folks who share the same vision and who are there for you i during this faabulous journey of life. One of the priniciples of success is to surround yourself and create meaningful relationships with people to cheer you on, ask you to stretch yourself and enjoy the journey. And this is also a wealth tip to increasing your vibration for a joyuful life. After all you want to absorb the most positive and loving energy possible.

The Best,


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Making Decisions Part II: – Aligning with Core Values and Passions

In last month’s feature article, making decisions based on intuition and fear was discussed. To review, fear is not the optimal decision making situation unless you are in a life and death situation. Fear promotes scarcity and a contracting within so looking at a situation from different perspectives and being open to other possibilities is almost impossible. When using your intuition as a guide, you open yourself up to receive and embrace the Yes of a deeper wisdom and the abundance of possibilities. The important piece in this is to tune into what your body is telling you and trust in its knowledge. A request was made for you to take some time to be aware of where you were making decisions from-intuition or fear.

What did you learn about yourself in making decisions?

This month we’ll look at decision making from the viewpoint of how in alignment a decision is with your core values and passions.

My client Peter (named changed for privacy) had a dilemma. He was working for a small business that was incongruent with his values. He tried to "fit" in and was miserable. What did he do? In a coaching session, he reconnected with his core values and committed to looking for other companies that would match what was important to him. Eventually, he interviewed and accepted a position in a company that not only was a better match but the owner has provided many opportunities for growth and experience that will prepare Peter for owning his own green development company. Peter made a decision that is in alignment with his values and passions.

Aligning with Core Values

In the journey of life, as spiritual beings having a very human experience, having guideposts, a GPS or a North Star is critical to the degree you live a life of fulfillment and satisfaction. Webster’s definition of values is something “intrinsically valuable or desirable… that which belongs to the essential nature or constitution of a thing.” Your values are innate, you are your values. These are not “shoulds”; values are not morals or someone else’s idea of what’s important. Discovering your 5-6 core values gives you clarity in decision making. Values are intangible. For example, someone may value their home which is tangible. If you go deeper, the essence of having a home may include “security”, “comfort”, “grounded”, “success”, “beauty” or another intangible that a home has for them.

What qualities or values do you hold most important? Make a list of what you value most. One way to do this is to think of 3 people you admire and list the qualities that attract you to them. Go through this discovery process by refining the list to 5-6 core values. Keep in mind that you are all your values and these 5-6 are your strongest filters and guideposts in making decisions.

Aligning with your Passions

What do you want your life to look like? What do you want to be, do or have to create your ideal life? There are only 3 reasons that stop you from living a life aligned with your passions:
· False ideas
· False concepts
· False beliefs

As with the core values, make a list of all the things that you want to either be, do or have in this human experience. Refine that list to your top 5 passions. Passion comes from the heart, not the head.

Let’s go back to my client Peter. Peter made a transition into a higher paying position with mentoring benefits because he looked at the company’s values statement and asked questions that would help him determine if this employment opportunity was aligned with his values. Now, one of Peter’s passions is to create economically green housing for people on a global level. Even though this company was not in green development, the owner was open to facilitating and transitioning into this area. Plus he created opportunities for Peter to gain the necessary ground level experience required to own a green development and construction company. So Peter’s decision to accept this position was not only in alignment with his values but was also one of his top 5 passions. The bottom line is that Peter was living the life of his dreams feeling fulfilled, purposeful and in love with his life.

When you make decisions that come from the heart and the soul free of circumstance and all other influences there is a rightness, a centering and an internal knowing that the universe will conspire to fill your order although it may not look just exactly like you thought.

Discovering your core values and passions are integral parts of the Listening to the Voice of Your Soul process in the Conscious Living Connection Passion, Purpose & Prosperity Coaching Programs. To learn more or schedule a complimentary Get Acquainted Activation conversation contact me at

Next Month: Making Decisions Part III: Life Purpose & Inner Guidance System

Much Joy,


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter & Passover

Good afternoon!

I want to wish my family,friends and global community a joyous Easter and Passover. Here's my husband & I out in the rain washed Sonoran desert for an early morning meditation walk wearing our version of the Easter bonnet. After yesterday's monsoonal rain, fierce wind, hail and snow inthe mountains, the desert is yielding the most fragrant smells of freshness in additon to the distrinctive smell of the creosote plant.

Just as the desert is all squeeky clean and the past few week's dust cleared away, my wish for you is clarity, contentment and confidance as you create what matters most.

Much Joy,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Essentials of Fun

I admire Michael Bungay Stanier. Here's a fun little movie. Play is so important!
Click on the link below>


Much Joy,

April is Occupational Therapy Month

As some of you know I continue to be an active and practicing Occupational Therapist as I develop and expand my coaching business. In fact I've been in the field over 20+ years and it's so much an integral part of me that I still get excited about some of the new neuroscience ideas that really impact the habilitation,rehabilitation and the creating of a quality of life. Every few years there is a new branding and tag line, in the last few years it has been Live Life to the Fullest. As a coach this is a way of life that I facilitate and encourage in my clients. I love how my first career is so in tune with my second career. My request to you is to authentically create what matters most by living life to the Fullest! Congratulations to all my colleagues and Happy Occupational Therapy Month! www.aota.org

Much Joy,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Miracles, Ah-ahs and Breakthroughs

It was an amazing two days at the Ali Brown's Platinum Retreat in Redondo Beach. Even though there was a alot of deep work inner work going on we all had a blast. When you walked into the conference room, there was a sea of beautiful blue Tiffany bags set at each seat. Inside was a gift from Ali that made us all feel special. There was an impromptu congo line as music was played during the breaks and in between sessions; to spark creativity there was a grab bag at each table filled with interesting items to spur our imaginations. And the food was wonderful as ws the view of the Pacific Ocean while we ate. Here are a few photos.

Much Joy,
