Friday, December 11, 2009

What’s it all About Alfie? - Your Loving, Living Legacy.

Often when we think about a legacy, it's something that is left behind after a person has passed. The idea of the living and loving legacy has the power to spur you on to live a mindful and proactive life.

Inherently, individuals have a desire to leave something special behind to mark the value and purpose of their life. Not just a bequest to a cause, but rather a combination of a life of dedication and focus that results in a ripple effect that positively impacts society, whether in the community, globally or in the family. This gives purpose, passion and meaning to your life.
A definition of a legacy is someone’s lasting contribution to the world, to society or their family. It may include money, but in many cases, it's more of a by-product of an individual's life. Your legacy is a result of what you have focused on in your life, and is the expression (in terms of action) of your primary message. For example, Gandhi said, 'Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind'. He could have just said it, but done nothing. The legacy he left was a direct result of his acting on this message in a real, tangible way.

Why is it important?A well affirmed legacy can be empowering. It is something SO big, it pulls you forward. It provides an opportunity to make a lasting impact on many levels. It is a result of a purposeful life, focused on taking action around your values, passion, mission, and vision. It provides a sense of deep meaning and can be a catalyst for positive, long term change that continues beyond your lifetime. What happens when you commit to a way of Being is that:
*Your actions have greater meaning to you.
*You are empowered and inspired to live life with purpose and passion.
*There is less struggle and more enjoyment in your life.
*You can make a lasting impact in the world on a micro and/or macro level with ease.
*You move beyond the need to perform and do what is comfortable and do your great work.

Here are some examples of living and loving legacies: “I want to be remembered for being kind.” “I want to live life with gusto and pizzazz.” “I want my children to know that they are and will always be loved for them selves even when I need to say no.” “I want to know that I helped hundreds live a better healthier life.” “I want to create the possibility that everyone in the world will have sustainable housing."

Where do you start?
Take some time to Listen to your Heart as you mull over the inquiry "What is the legacy I want to create?" “I”being the operative word. “How do I want to BE in this world?”

From the foundation of your core values, passions, gifts, talents you are then able to ask the Big Questions:
What is my vision? What would I like to be remembered for?
What dream do I have that I could surrender to that would be the type of legacy I would be living and /or leaving?
At this point, another important and critical question to ask is, "Does the thought of a legacy empower me or overwhelm (scare) me?

Intentioning a living legacy can bring out the best of your authentic self. Going through this activity can touch deep into your soul and takes courage. Keeping your core key values in sight keeps your life journey on track. Have fun with determining what your living legacy looks like. At your 100th birthday, for what will you be honored?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let's get Your Year in Gear

This is your Invitation to sprint into 2010 with a heart centered commitment.

"Let's get Your Year in Gear!"

Whew! 2009 posed a multitude of challenges for yours truly and everyone I know including those who stepped into a bigger playing field. One of the biggest Ah Ahs for me this year was to consistently keep my vision in my visual field, my heart, my soul and stay aligned with what is most important to me. Two other Ahs Ahs were the importance of commitment to what I hold dear and to honor what my purpose is here on earth and to seek support especially in designing a plan, in conscious energy management and paradigms shifts.

As the New Year beckons, thoughts are pulled to what you want to see in 2010.
Resolutions are okay but are often broken or forgotten. Commitments on the other hand speak to the deeper self, to your soul and to your authentic self.

I know that this is a busy time of year for you yet this is also wonderful time to reflect, re-group and decide what you want to see at this time next year.

Is there something you've been keeping on the back burner and are ready to take it out? Are you ready to move up in your career ladder? Is there a personal change you want to see? Is there a next step in your business that needs a nudge?

I'm offering an opportunity for you to commit to a short term group program to
Get Your Year in Gear! This is a program to get you started on your dreams for 2010 and past the starting line.

I'm looking for 10 individuals who want to get started on creating what matters most.

"Get Your Year in Gear" group program includes:
- 3 (60 -75 minute) group calls to visualize, decide and design your plan for 2010 on your 3 biggest "I really want this." desires.
Wednesday: Dec. 30, Jan. 6 & Jan.13 at 4:00pm Mountain/ Az.time

- Worksheets and home play to give substance to your commitments.

- 1 - 30 minute private 1:1 coaching session with me.

- Strategies to keep moving forward when you are getting in your way.

- Audio recordings of each call.

Tuition: $ 97 for all of the above. (I really want to help you start 2010 with clarity, support & inspired action so I'm keeping this budget friendly.)

Email me your intentions: by Dec. 22, 2009.

I'm looking forward to getting 2010 in Gear!

Quantum Blessings,

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fun for a great Cause

Check out this video for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Take good care of yourself and have deliciious fun!
