Joyful Greetings!
As I post this blog, we just went through some high 90 degree days and then a wonderful monsoonal rain.
Get ready for the New Year with your countdown markers.
September 22 marks not only the autumnal equinox but also earmarks 100 days remaining in 2008.
Below are some questions to consider as 2008 counts down. I know that I’ll be reflecting on these also.
1. Is there any unfinished business that needs to be tended to in your life?
2. If you could begin living just one thing that you are most passionate about before 2009 what would it be?
3. What is one thing that you can let go of before 2009?
4. What is one quality that you would like to embrace by December 31, 2008?
5. What is stopping you from living your best life?
6. What are 3 things that you are most grateful for?
Check out the World Gratitude website at for a 42 days focus on abundance, gratitude and much more to send the best type of energy around the World during this time of upheaval.
That's all for now. I've been at the computer way too long for me today. I might morph into a cursor.
Much Joy,
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
She has what it takes!!
I was having back from vacation sluggishness this past week yet managed to accomplish and address what needed to be completed or started. My husband & I cleaned out the garage last weekend and put in systems for hanging tools and other paraphernalia. It made such a difference to go through things to keep, donate or just trash. It changed the energy in our house and seemed to energize us as well. Systems are great and even essential in living life with more serenity and joy.
Friday, I received a huge energy boost in addition to being inspired to play BIG. I had set aside Friday to attend the 2008 Arizona Women's conference at Tucson's JW Marriot Star Pass Resort. Along with about 900 other women, I was wowed by keynote speaker Erin Brockovitch Ellis. Yes, the Erin Brockovitch, who is very real and who was played by Julia Roberts in the movie with the same title. Aside from being a dynamic and inspiring speaker, she continues her advocacy in saving people's lives who are threatened by environmental deceit and disregard. If you have a passion, you do what it takes to make it happen but not at the expense of your loved ones. She emphasized that being and having someone who cares in the bottom line. Synchronicity was in play as Erin Brockovitch, the movie was on T.V. this weekend. She said that Hollywood took very few creative liberties with her story except to lengthen her skirts and clean up her language. She has what it takes with her stick- to- it-ness. What can you have stick-to-it-ness with in your life?
Much Joy,
P.S. I wasn't able to get a photo with Erin because of the numbers of people plus there was security.
Friday, I received a huge energy boost in addition to being inspired to play BIG. I had set aside Friday to attend the 2008 Arizona Women's conference at Tucson's JW Marriot Star Pass Resort. Along with about 900 other women, I was wowed by keynote speaker Erin Brockovitch Ellis. Yes, the Erin Brockovitch, who is very real and who was played by Julia Roberts in the movie with the same title. Aside from being a dynamic and inspiring speaker, she continues her advocacy in saving people's lives who are threatened by environmental deceit and disregard. If you have a passion, you do what it takes to make it happen but not at the expense of your loved ones. She emphasized that being and having someone who cares in the bottom line. Synchronicity was in play as Erin Brockovitch, the movie was on T.V. this weekend. She said that Hollywood took very few creative liberties with her story except to lengthen her skirts and clean up her language. She has what it takes with her stick- to- it-ness. What can you have stick-to-it-ness with in your life?
Much Joy,
P.S. I wasn't able to get a photo with Erin because of the numbers of people plus there was security.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saying Yes
Here's one of them:
We took a day to visit Yellowstone since our lodging was close to the entrance.
foregoing some of our favorites stops-Lewis Falls, the Lake Hotel area and Hayden Valley, we decided to pick out something that we hadn't done before.
My husband had read about the Grand Geyser located in the Lower Geyser Basin near Old Faithful. This geyser is the tallest most predictable geyser in the world reaching upwards to 180 feet in the air while two smaller geysers accompany and herald its eruption. Other tall geysers erupt maybe once a year on a who- actually- knows- when- they're- going- to- erupt basis. We walked to the viewing seats(while also keeping an eye out for Old Faithful) and noted that the geyser could erupt 2 hours on either side of 3pm. It was 12:30 so we decided to wait. We were the only two on the viewing for awhile and then a whole family clan joined us. This family has a tradition of coming together yearly to watch the Grand Geyser erupt. It was great being with them as they gave us tidbits of what to watch for to know when the Grand would make its appearance. Oh I forgot, it was threatening rain and mostly cloudy and very windy. Turbin geyser heralds the eruption of the Grand and goes off every 20 minutes or so. So we patiently waited and waited. We were thinking that sitting and waiting for this geyser to go off was not in our best interests. By 2:30, we were ready to discontinue our zen geyser watch and go back to our room. Our new found friends of the Hyatt family encouraged us to stay. So we said YES and at 3:15 we were treated to the majesty of the Grand Geyser with Turbin geyser starting it off and a smaller geyser vent blowing as well. (See video below.) We were also witness to the marriage proposal of one of the members of the family as the geyser went off. Surrendering to the situation resulted in a lively encounter with new acquaintances and a deep spiritual experience of the Divine. Afterward the geyser pool was empty with the Grand Geyser taking a much needed self- care rest break. After all, when you play BIG, self-care is critical.
Everyday there are opportunities to say yes and play in a big way in creating what matters most and we were very glad we did.
Grand Geyser, YNP
Much Joy,
Colleen Crook is a certified life coach and leadership consultant. She is also a writer, trainer and public speaker. She is the owner and founder of which provides individual and group coaching programs and workshops to facilitate creative and passionate self expression for forward thinkers who want to create what matters most while living life full out with spiritual integrity. She has over 30 years experience in facilitating and teaching people how to live a quality life of passion, purpose, fun and abundance while doing their great work. She is a certified facilitator of The Passion Test™.
You can contact her at
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