"A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing" -Maya Angelou
Conscious Living Connection is undergoing some renovations and forward movements. It's always a bit scary to take that next step. I've had to take some deep breaths and listen to my heart and not my Gremlins(Ego, the committee etc.) who only want to protect me and keep me safe. Entrepreneurial Fear is very real and all entrepreneurs experience this even if they do not not want to acknowledge it. There is this fantasy belief that 'everyone else has their act together'. So what is CLC up to? I've been searching and setting my intention to attract the perfect people for my support team. This will include individuals who are tech savvy, design experts and great in taking over tasks that are a challenge and sort of put up speed bumps along the way for me. In my search I met lovely people who were an energetic match for me but I required some specific expertise that they didn't have . So what did these lovely people do but refer others who ended up being a match for my specific needs as well as being an energetic match. I'll introduce you to them in a future blog post.
To attract this wonderful and gifted team, I completed an Authentic Attraction Plan for my perfect support team and I then put in an order to the Universe. Very fun stuff. It took a bit more inner work also and surrendering control of finding the perfect individuals for me. CLC is consciously creating what matters most to serve you with hugeness in the future. What one small change can you make that will bring you closer to being in harmony with your spirit?
Much Joy,
P.S. If you have a desire to help out people traumatized by natural disasters, this is a fantastic non-profit that works with the local people. 90% of the donation goes to the people in those countries.http://www.kirfaid.org/
Colleen Crook, owner and founder of Conscious Living Connection is a Life & Leadership Coach who partners and supports forward thinking individuals in creating what matters most with joy and passion both personally and professionally. She is a certified Facilitator of The Passion Test™. Send her an e-mail describing your biggest challenge to see how she can help you create what matters most to you.
Website: http://www.consciouslivingconnection.com Grab your copy of your 5 part mini e-course on creating dynamic interactions.